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Adding Probiotics

Just started giving Dogzyme Digestive Enhancer. After 2 days, 2 seniors have diarrhea and 1 adult has loose stools and terrible gas. I gave the recommended daily amount, 1/2 with morning feeding and 1/2 with evening meal. Should I have gradually worked up to the recommended amount, should it be given daily or only as needed and should it be split between each feeding?

Re: Adding Probiotics

Just curious if they were having this kind of problem before and if not, why did you start using this product?

Re: Adding Probiotics

No, they did not have diarrhea before giving this and I gave them because they were on antibiotics either for ear infection or split nail. Does this make a difference, am I wrong in thinking that probiotics should be given routinely or is digestive enhancer to strong to be given routinely?

Re: Adding Probiotics

I give all of mine Probios daily. From a 4 month old puppy to my senior. I give it with their evening meal. I feel the probiotics help them utilize the nutrition they are getting to the fullest. I did work up the the amount recommended though.

Re: Adding Probiotics

Thanks, Sherry. That's where I made my mistake giving the full recommended daily dose right away. I should have known better. It seems to be clearing up after some rice and chicken.