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dog hair

I have blankets that I put on the couch that are covered in dog hair. Anyone have an easy way to get rid of the dog hair on the blankets? Washing them and putting them in the dryer with a dryer sheet doesn't seem to work.....

Re: dog hair

I just figure the dog hair will help keep me warmer. You can also try putting a soft stick of butter next to the blanket and all the hairs will jump off to get to the butter. I think I saw that on a Paula Dean show.

Re: dog hair

I was vacumming the floor of the passenger area (this is where the boys ride) of our extended cab truck. It was taking FOREVER! I got the idea of using their shedding comb to "comb" the fur on the carpet and then vacuum the piles of fur. IT WORKED!!!

Re: dog hair

My dry cleaners charges me extra money to remove dog hair from my sweaters.....they have to hand pick each hair out. I think that is the only way to really remove hair from some fabrics. If the blankets are dog blankets.....just wash and dry....who cares about the embedded hair ?? I prefer to use "furniture" blankets for my dogs.......the hair does not stick....the surface is smoothe. Good luck !!

Re: dog hair

Thank you for the suggestions! I can't quite figure out the butter thing though...
Linda, I will look for furniture blankets.

Re: dog hair

Love the butter idea! When we bought new furniture, we went with leather and now, wouldn't buy anything else! We fought with blankets and hair on our old furniture and now....NO NEED - it's wonderful!!!

Re: dog hair

The rubber Zoom Groom will work good on the sofa itself. It will gather the hair in one place to vaccumm. I use it for cat hair on the sofa alot. But would do many surfaces.

Re: dog hair

Buy a roll of wide masking tape and unwind enough to wrap around in the reverse direction, sticky side out. Roll over area until it no longer picks up hair. Tear off the hairy part, unroll another layer and repeat. It works well for sweaters.

Re: dog hair

I put blankets in the dryer with a dryer sheet. It takes a while but gets a ton of hair out.

Re: dog hair

Thank you!

Re: dog hair

There is a new product sold in pet stores just for that.

Re: dog hair

Stretch an area of the blanket flat as you can. A rubber squeegee (the kind you use to clean windows) works like a charm.

Re: dog hair

I thought it was a fashion statement...

Re: dog hair

Like your own Bear rug or fur coat!

I thought it was a fashion statement...

Re: dog hair

Can you say "chiengora" - maybe a new use for many