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Nursing Mom with Yeast Between Mammaries

Good Morning and Happy Holidays to all. I have eight 3 week old puppies and a wonderful bitch who loves her babies and takes excellent care of them. Since day 3 post whelp she has had lots of milk and has continued to have a yeast problem between the folds of her mammaries. It has been very cold here in the south and I have kept the heat in the puppy house at 76 degrees for nearly 2.5 weeks and have lowered it to 73 earlier this week. Does anyone know of a solution and relief for Mom for this problem. I have kept the yeast under control by washing and drying between her mammaries, but have not stopped it completly . Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Re: Nursing Mom with Yeast Between Mammaries

Would something like "butt paste" or Gold bond powder work? Problem is that the mom and pups are both going to ingest some of it so it would have to be safe even in moderate amounts. Otherwise, baking soda and water rinses to change the ph? Anyone else have any ideas?

Re: Nursing Mom with Yeast Between Mammaries

If it really is yeast, a dilute vinegar solution should kill it.

Re: Nursing Mom with Yeast Between Mammaries

Yep, vinegar. I would just roll her over, give her a wash and just let her air dry while she is on her back.


Re: Nursing Mom with Yeast Between Mammaries

Thank you everyone for your answers. I will get her started with the vinegar. My vet suggested Stridex Pads and my daughter who is a nurse suggested Nystatin Suspension(that is a Human Untifungel for Nursing mothers who get yeast and pass it on to the babies who then get thrush). My vet would call in a perscription if I asked him to. Any thoughts on either suggestion?

Re: Nursing Mom with Yeast Between Mammaries

Try the vinegar first. You might be surprised how well that works. I don't think I would want my pups in an area that was wiped with a Stridex Pad.

Re: Nursing Mom with Yeast Between Mammaries

wipe with baby wipes and dry well. You could also use a mild vinegar/water washcloth, just dry well a few times a day. You can also dust in there with cornstarch once it's dry.