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How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

socialize them. I have run 2 lovely babies on from my last litter, they are now 11 weeks old. Both are outgoing to a point, the bitch pup is happy no matter where or who is around, very bold etc, as was her brother up until about a week ago, nothing out of the ordinary has happened but he now will only engage with you if there is food to be had, you call him to you and he will actually hide, I supect he is going to be like his mother who is quite manipulative as she will do things when she is darn well goood and ready and not before. I bring him inside for a little one on one and all he does is hide so I get him and play with him until he is wagging his tail but as soon as I stop he goes and sits under the table again. He and his sister are still kenneled together, do you think I should separate them and just really spend a lot of time with him. He is a lovely boy so I don't want to give up on him, I had thought of placing him with a family for a couple of months, ( 5 kids all home schooled but have been around dogs all their lives) Any thoughts would be great.

Re: How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

Yes you should seperate them. As I have felt they get to attached to the other. And pout and feel lonely when the other is not round. You should be doing some basic puppy obedience now. Right now they could be walking on a leash. retrieving a ball. or a duck or pheasant wing. introduced to feathers.
learning to sit. But everything fun. And its time to start sleeping by them selves. when my puppies leave at 8 or 9 wks. They are sleeping in a crate by themselves. So they are ready either by staying here or in there new home. They need to learn self confidence.And not be attached to another sibling.

Good luck with your puppies.

Re: How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

Raising littermates is usually best done with them separated and spend extra time with the boy. Maybe move him into the house full-time. I think boys can be more sensitive than girls. JMO.

Have fun!

Leslee Pope

Re: How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

Leslee Pope
Raising littermates is usually best done with them separated and spend extra time with the boy. Maybe move him into the house full-time. I think boys can be more sensitive than girls. JMO.

Have fun!

Leslee Pope

Take them each alone to a doggie boot camp for a day each week. I did it and it was great for mine. Petsmart has a very good one.
Good luck

Re: How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

Kept 2 from my last litter, but the only difference is that mine are house dogs. And we have family home all day, so they were rarely alone. They were crated next to one another at night, but both got tons of one on one time with me, or at least one pup and older dogs going out for exercise. One is more outgoing, the other more reserved, but both are well natured and can handle being alone and apart from their sibling.

I wish I had a kennel at times, but for growing the pups up, nothing beats having them with you 100% of the time.

Re: How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

for growing the pups up, nothing beats having them with you 100% of the time.

Yes!!!! Spending a great deal of fun time interacting with them really helps to develop confidence and strong relationships.

Re: How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

Take him on leash with you for a week. If in the house doing laundry, he's on leash close by. If in the kitchen - hook the leash onto something but he's there. Even have him sleep next to your bed in his crate if necessary. He'll be very people oriented when the week is over. It's work but worth it.

Take out to a pet store or park/or sledding hill if in the north and invite kids to pet him.

I have figured out by phone inquiry all the stores that allow dogs in my area - pet stores, TSC, feed mill, etc. and I take a pup or two in with me when I need to go in.

Mine also sleep in their own crates at night.

Don't give up on him yet, at this age just a little extra effort usually gives great results.

If all else fails, placing him with the homeschooled family for awhile might not be a bad idea -but I wouldn't do it for more than a week or so - you really want him to bond to you.

Re: How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

Thank you all so much for your replies, from now on he will be next to me where ever I go . I too have asked around town as to who is happy for a puppy to come visiting so will be taking him to see people, might even find the time to go into town and just sit and have a coffee and let all manner of people pet him and talk to him. I certainly do not want to give up on him as he really is very nice

Re: How do all you breeders who run mulitiple puppies on

At 11 weeks my puppies wouldn't be going anywhere. I had 2 puppies nearly die a few years back at 15 weeks from being exposed to something. (and they were up to date on all vaccines)

IMO 11 weeks is a little early to be stressing about these things. Puppies occassionally go through phases. Overwhelming him by too much stimulation might have the opposite effect you are hoping for.

If I were you I would keep doing things as you normally would and praise him for interacting with you. Keep a tasty morsel in your pocket for when he approaches.

I would also not be in his face all the time. Make him WANT to interact with you and want your attention. The picture I get from reading your post is that you are asking for his attention when he should be asking for yours.