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Show Pics

Do we HAVE to pay for show pictures even if they really Horrible?

Re: Show Pics

I've often wondered that myself. I know the photographer is out his time and the $5 plus postage to have the print made, but sometimes I don't want to pay the $35 for the dreadful photo. I have, but don't know if you can just mail the picture back. Like school pictures from high school! Mom wasn't required to buy them.

Re: Show Pics

Can you ask for the other photographer at the show?

The one who does mine always gets a horrible side shot which makes his rear look horrible.

Re: Show Pics

I don't think the question was really about the photographer...I do have some I will NOT use, no way, no how, and they come alone so there is no asking for a different photographer. Her skills are horrible, and photos and at photo shopping.

I think we're more curious about etiquette on not buying the photo mailed to you.

Re: Show Pics

I received a very poor quality photo, which I returned with a note as to why I was not buying it. The California-based photographer turned it over to a collection agency, which harassed me for months. He even claimed that I owed "interest" which brought the total to over $100, which the collection agency offered to settle for "only" $50.
I refused to be blackmailed, fought back, and eventually got it off my credit report. But it was time-consuming and, needless to say, aggravating.
And I can imagine that some folks would be intimidated and pay the $50 just to stop the harassment.
Moral of the story -- when you send back a photo, get a delivery confirmation. And yes, if a photographer is at the show that you know does a good job, specifically request that person.

Re: Show Pics

Why can't you just bring your own camera and shoot off a dozen shots? At least you could get one good one out the the bunch. I don't think there should be a problem, just kindly tell the photographer that you will be taking your own.

Re: Show Pics

Why can't you just bring your own camera and shoot off a dozen shots? At least you could get one good one out the the bunch. I don't think there should be a problem, just kindly tell the photographer that you will be taking your own.

You can't take pictures at the photographer's station. They have reserved rights if their shows up in the picture. Sure a lot of people have done it, but you can get in trouble if the photographer decided to take action.
I would return the picture and forget about the mail cost.

Re: Show Pics

There are a number of lab people out there who take superb pictures. I have my favorite. For less than you would pay for pictures from 2 show wins, you could get something you'd really love. You just have to find out when they are at shows you will be attending.

That said, I do think I would always get a picture when it says "New Champion".

Re: Show Pics

The photographer that took my boy's action photo going over the high jump for his last leg of RE (btw, he finished with a 2nd place!) posted this and other pictures of my chocolate boy on the photog's website. I was able to choose or not choose the pix, size and quantity. I like this idea.

Re: Show Pics

I would ask the photographer when I went to take the picture what their policy is.

Re: Show Pics

I just had to pay for a horrible picture that was taken at an out of state show. It was the worst photo that I have ever had taken on 25 plus years of showing. When I contacted the photographer and told her I was sending it back I was told go ahead but I still had to pay for it. She said they only way that I wouldn't have to pay for it was if I could prove
I hadn't scanned it into my computer.

Re: Show Pics

A few years ago I had a similar experience, my pup had earned Best Puppy at an AB show. The photo was horrendous. In the past, we could just send it back; I neglected to read the fine print on the invoice that the policy had changed - the photo had to be paid for, plain and simple. I sent the check, and then never got the picture again. It was so awful, I didn't care.

Read the fine print on the invoice when the pix are sent to you. Policies change.

Re: Show Pics

I would ask the photographer when I went to take the picture what their policy is.

Each photographer will have their own policy so ask before they photograph your dog.

Too bad they don't all post the photo's with a full watermark on their websites and not lose the cost of printing and shipping if someone doesn't want to purchase a poor photo of their dog.

That would be a wise way to handle it for everyone but some photographers do want us to purchase no matter what. Read the fine print or ask at the show.

Re: Show Pics

Interpretation of a photo of your dog is just that. What is good to one owner is awful to the next. A show photographer is out travel expenses, food, lodging and time off their day job not to mention kids or dogs left at home, equipment needed, and it is also physically exhausting. Just getting to a show is a huge expense and most times it is not compensated for by the hosting club. If only a small percentage of those who actually got photos taken at the show chose to purchase them the photographer is in the red big time. Everyone likes their dog to look a certain way. If they don't see that "look" they are unhappy. Many times people expect to see their dog look very different than he or she actually looks. Better topline, more turn of stifle, shorter coupled. It is very difficult to achieve that for any photographer. If Mary, Jean, and Joe are behind the show photographer taking their own shots, the photographer loses again. Photos posted on their site are a good way to go but not very many exhibitors actually purchase them. Anyone thinking this is an easy money making task couldn't be more wrong.

Re: Show Pics

I don't think anyone said it was easy money or an easy job. Having said that, I - personally - do expect a decent product or I don't want to pay for it. Here in Canada, the photographers have computers set up at the show so you can see the proofs before you purchase. If you don't like it, you don't have to buy the photo - or you can opt to have another one taken before leaving the show grounds! Of all the photos I've had done in the States, I've only had one that was really bad. The last ones I've gotten, if you don't break the seal on the photo and return it within X number of days, there is no charge other than the postage costs getting it back to the photographer. The only thing that is tricky is the mail delay getting up here to the frozen north ...

Re: Show Pics

You mention "photographers". That sounds like thousands of dollars in equipment, man hours for setup with assistants, and electricity inside a building of course. That would be set up mostly at all breeds correct? Not many can afford to go this route at a specialty. Catch 22 situation.

Re: Show Pics

I also had a win in calif, and when explained that my bitch and everyone else was facing a huge downhill, it would be corrected with photoshop. You cannot photoshop incorrect angle. We have e-mailed her twice, called her once cannot get a response. We wanted to buy the digital image and photoshop our selves, to at least get some dimension. Cannot get an answer back. It is not always the dog or handler was in a poor position, that happens. It is a bad flat, photo. On the other hand bare bones photos were clear, crisp, jumped off the paper.