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New puppies and antibiotics

A friend's bitch just had a litter of puppies by C-Section and the bitch has an abcess in the vagina area, the reason for the C-Section. The vet does not want to put the bitch on antibiotics because of the puppies. The bitch does not have a temperature or showing any signs of infection. If it were your bitch what would you do.

She is busy loving on the puppies and asked me to send this for her.

Re: New puppies and antibiotics

There are antibiotics that are suitable for a bitch who is nursing a litter. Check it out if you feel she needs that sort of attention.

Re: New puppies and antibiotics

My vet prescribed Clavamox 375 Mg's 2 times a day a few years back for a bitch who had just whelped a litter and had an infection. He prescribed it because although there were stronger antibiotics that would speed recovery, this one would not pass through the milk. She nursed 7 healthy babies for 4 1/2 weeks and they turned out to be the sweetest most trainable puppies. Families continue to rave about how smart they are.Some have gone on to do great things. Hope this helps.