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Homeopathic remedies for Kennel Cough?

Has anyone ever used homeopathic remedies for kennel cough with any success?

Re: Homeopathic remedies for Kennel Cough?

Spray the throat with Chloroseptic and put Vicks Vapo Rub in the nostrils. Works great!

Re: Homeopathic remedies for Kennel Cough?

A little pediatric Robitussin (1/2-1 tsp) poured into their food seems to quiet the cough nicely as they get over the cough.

Re: Homeopathic remedies for Kennel Cough?

A spoonful of honey coats and sooths the throat; it's also a natural antibacterial.

Just let the dog lick the honey off the spoon.

Re: Homeopathic remedies for Kennel Cough?

I use the following product from Thomas Laboratories and works great, cough is gone in couple of days, you can use it on puppies. I once had a mom with 2 week old pups that came with the cough, I gave 1 drop to the pups twice a day.