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coat and food

How many of you feel that coat, not just condition but amount, is directly related to food? No flames, I understand much is genetic, either you have it or you don't however, has anyone ever really noticed an improvement when switching or using a certain food. If so, what are you feeding that gives it that little something extra?

Re: coat and food

I think food can effect coat but keeping the dog outside especially in a cold climate has the greatest positive effect.

Re: coat and food

I have really noticed good coats here with TOTW Bison formula. Everyone has the best coats they have ever had.

Re: coat and food

I think a lot is certainly genetic, however, food can make a difference in overall condition which improves coat as well. I love the condition of my dogs on TOTW and for weaning bitches I like EVO to get their coats back in. I think it improves it faster than any other food I have tried after weaning. It is too rich for pups still nursing and can cause loose stools in the pups. But, after mom is through I get wonderful weight and coat regrowth. We give pups TOTW the fish one to wean them on and have had great luck with that. They don't get the runs and their growth is as it should be. I tried Fromm and while the ingredients are great it wasn't great for my dog population, couldn't keep any weight on and the coats were lacking in depth and richness. So I can give my old girl the Fromm and she can eat more, that makes her happy. Genetically the dogs should have great coats on their own but sometimes the climate and environment can cause issues, too dry, too hot, not enough change in the seasons, even the amount of daylight can affect coat growth. It isn't jut one thing.

Re: coat and food

I agree with above posters. It's not just one thing... during the summer my dogs do swim allot and I do notice that making them swim allot, their coats will be great. Also being outside in the cold allot gets their coats in good condition too. I also have to say that coats on bitches are controlled by hormones. I have a almost 7 year old bitch that came in season every 4 to 5 months, she never had a great coat, not until she was spayed last January so the past year she has been in her best coat ever !!!! I feed Pro Pac large breed adult for the adults ones and Pro Pac large breed puppy for puppies and youngsters. I must say that hair loss is at it's minimum here all year round. I am very happy with how my dogs coats look like.