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2 week old pups with the runs???

my pups just hit 2 weeks today and last night the pups stool went from regular puppy stool to liquid stool. I gave them bene bac this morning. The mom's stool is fine. Is this normal for 2 week old pups? their mom has very rich milk and they eat a lot. They are starting to walk though. Not sure whats wrong or what to do??

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

Very probably just the result of overeating, you can tell by the look and smell. If sort of yellow brown, no unusual smell with what looks like tiny seeds in it, within a week they should be able to process everything OK and the problem will disappear.
If it has sort of a greenish black look with an awful smell, the mom has an issue with her milk, she should be put on antibiotics with a culture made to insure the correct one is being used. E coli is the most common issue with infected milk. You can also check the PH on it, acid milk is not uncommon.
At 2 weeks, they are really too young for Coccidia and I would guess (as long as they are gaining weight everyday) it is simply a case of being pigs.

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

Thank you! they keep gaining weight. The stool is a yellowish color. no brown but no seeds really. It doesn't smell terribly bad but it certainly doesn't smell good. They seem to be acting normal hough. Still wobbling around and eating with gusto! Thank you!

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

Based upon what you describe, sounds pretty normal to me.

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

When this happens with my puppies, I usually put a little plain yogurt on a baby spoon and make sure each baby gets some. Good luck and keep us posted.

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

Yup- they are over eating! Typical Labs!! Once every 2-3 hours is fine, but if they are waking up and running right to the teat, you may want to give mom a break out of the box and let them wait until mealtime.

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

Help please???
my pups just hit 2 weeks today and last night the pups stool went from regular puppy stool to liquid stool. I gave them bene bac this morning. The mom's stool is fine. Is this normal for 2 week old pups? their mom has very rich milk and they eat a lot. They are starting to walk though. Not sure whats wrong or what to do??

Mine are doing the same thing but 3 weeks today. I have had this happen in the past when they are teething. I do give plain yogurt (a syringe without the needle works great!) and it helps. It's yucky but not out of the ordinary.

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

It's not too early for coccidia or worms.

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

I would worm your babies if you haven't already. And also put 2 table spoon scoops of yogurt into their dish. And you will be just fine.

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

my best guess would also be over-eating, if you do have a fecal done let us know the results?

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

I would worm your babies if you haven't already. And also put 2 table spoon scoops of yogurt into their dish. And you will be just fine.

Their dish? They are only two weeks old. What dish?

Re: 2 week old pups with the runs???

I have a litter of 2.5 wk olds that were born 4 days early (eyes just open now) and they've been lapping for at least a week. Even the 3 I'm caring for from another friend's litter (also born 4-5 days early and smaller than mine) having been doing pretty well w/ lapping.

I have the same runny poo issue w/ my litters it seems so have been giving them BacPak probios/digestive enzymes in either water (syringe to mouth) or yogurt once they can lap. You may also want to try ~1/2 teas of psyllium husks-- active component of metamucil w/o all the rest of the sweeteners, etc.-- add that into yogurt or gruel.

I have given mine some formula w/ maybe 1/3 C of ground up Euk small breed puppy in it, along w/ the psyllium husks and stools have firmed right up. Sometimes I swear they do much better once on more solid food than on mom's milk alone. I wonder if they just get too hungry between meals,and overgorge themselves.