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Help, can't find old post

There was a post on here a while back (maybe a month or two ago) that mentioned a product which was safe to give puppies at 2 weeks which pretty much eliminated the risk of coccidia.

I can't recall the product.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?


Re: Help, can't find old post

I believe you are referring to Baycox?

Re: Help, can't find old post

I believe you are referring to Baycox?

Thank You!!! That's it!!
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Re: Help, can't find old post

Can somebody tell me more about this? Which product, how dosed etc
Merry Christmas!!

Re: Help, can't find old post

Can somebody tell me more about this? Which product, how dosed etc
Merry Christmas!!

I would discuss it with your vet. Merry Christmas.