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Outdoor kennel run De Icer

With two + weeks of below freezing , I HAD to hose the outdoor runs, of course it left a sheet of ice. Well , to be safe we put CAT Litter on the runs.....BIG mistake. Now the dogs, the runs, indoor and out, the walls are covered with litter MUD :-((

Does anyone have a safe cure? Safe Paws is $75 a 35 lb bucket!!!

Re: Outdoor kennel run De Icer

maybe try this?

Re: Outdoor kennel run De Icer

SAND - might be helpful and way less messy/expensive.

Re: Outdoor kennel run De Icer

How about sand? Not as bad as cat litter I wouldn't think, mess-wise.

Re: Outdoor kennel run De Icer

I have sand in my outdoor areas, and the sand is melded into a slippery sheet of ice in short order.

Re: Outdoor kennel run De Icer

maybe try this?

Has anyone besides anon tried this? I'm tempted to for the dogs area and for my almost brand new driveway that I don't want to ruin. It is made of standard, very thick driveway material and a large circle of paving stone. I regret not installing a heating system in the driveway and will install one if I ever put professionl kennel and run area in. ~TIA.

Re: Outdoor kennel run De Icer

How do you liquify and dispense the liquid of Magic Salt?

Re: Outdoor kennel run De Icer

Ok so I thought I'd look into this stuff.

Found a couple sites.......

Was it Steve who was the Chemical engineer?

I wonder what his thoughts are about it's safety?

Always willing to learn something.

What is in that "Safe Paws" Ice melter?