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kennel cough in preg bitch

i have a house full of coughing dogs. no idea where it came from as the last show i was at was the end of sept. so far the preg girl has not gotten it, or my older dogs, what i want to know if it will be detrimental to her unborn pups?

Re: kennel cough in preg bitch

There are so many agents that can cause coughing in dogs; "kennel cough" is sort of a generic description. It would be important to know if it was canine influenza virus, which is much more serious.
Are the other dogs under treatment? Are they improving? If it was CIV, they would not improve anytime soon.
I had a bitch contract "kennel cough" when pregnant, and she reabsorbed the litter. We saw beating hearts on ultrasound one day, and two weeks later saw nothing but fluid-filled vesicles. It was either the virus or the severe coughing that caused the reabsorbtion. I spoke to another breeder that had the same outcome, so don't be surprised if your bitch does reabsorb IF she contracts the infectious cough. Keep her separated as much as possible, and wash everything really well with bleach. Do not let her drink from a communal water bowl. Most kennel cough agents are airborn, so do your best to keep fresh air flowing and keep the bitch away from contact with your infected dogs.
Best of luck with your girl! (wearing sunglasses in hopes that the sun will shine tomorrow after 5 days of rain in California!)

Re: kennel cough in preg bitch

If she is in the last 3 weeks of pregnancy, she can lose the litter or give birth to stillborn puppies. The cause is not the actual kennel cough, but the Herpes virus that sometimes comes with it. I would get her somewhere else until 3 weeks after she has the puppies. If she is in the first 5 weeks then there should not be any problems.
If she has been out at dog shows, most likely she is immune to Herpes virus, and her puppies should be ok.

Re: kennel cough in preg bitch

You could run a herpes titer to see if she has had exposure - protecting the pups - for peace of mind.

Prayers she holds onto the litter.