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Vitreous Degeneration

I've never heard of it, but just discovered one of my dogs has it. Diagnosed during CERF exam. Has anyone else had any experience with this? The information I found mentions retinal detachment - Yikes!

Re: Vitreous Degeneration

Here is a great article that explains Vitreous Degeneration, I hope it helps!

Re: Vitreous Degeneration

Yes, I saw that article in my Google search.

I was actually hoping to receive some feedback from breeders/vets/pet owners who have had some personal experience with the condition. When did you see it show up? What were the affects on your dog's eyesight? If there were affects, how rapidly did the affects progress? Is it hereditary? Any information regarding the condition itself would be most appreciated.

Re: Vitreous Degeneration

Did you ask your ACVO CERF any of these questions? They would be much more qualified to answer these questions than breeders and pet owners on this or any other forum. JMHO.

I am sorry that your dog has this condition, will you update us as you garner more information?