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Another Name Help

I was wandering if I could get some help with a registered name. I am not very good at fun ones. The boys call name is Booth. I wanted to name him from the TV show Bones. So I am trying to think of a registered name that goes with the character on the show.

Would apreciate any help.

Re: Another Name Help

Using Booth's memorable quotes:

Kennel Name King of the Lab
Kennel Name Dont Call me Bones, Call me Booth
Kennel Name Special Agent Booth
Kennel Name FBI Rules Again
Kennel Name Calling in the Squints
Kennel Name I believe in Fate

Re: Another Name Help

I haven't watched the show in a few seasons and wasn't a regular viewer, but wasn't Booth a special forces sniper?

What about:

Kennel Name Sharp Shooter
Kennel Name On Target
Kennel Name Sniper

Kennel Name Hunka Hunka Burnin Love
Kennel Name Hottie on a Stick (LOL...sorry, I couldn't resist the last two)

Re: Another Name Help

kennel name "Bad to the Bones"

Re: Another Name Help

Kennel Name Seely Booth! I love that show and have thought several times about using that name. Like NCIS too.

Re: Another Name Help

I like just Special Agent, with the call name Booth.