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Any advice besides the usual on carsickness for a 5 month old puppy? He mostly drools, but I see he is starting to dread going in the car.

Re: carsickness

Just keep taking him and make them short rides to a fun place - a park or something. And bring paper towels and a garbage bag...
One of my guys was VERY bad when he was young. Would vomit every single time he was in the car. When he was 8 months old, my dad was very, very sick but wanted to see his "grand dog." It was a very long 400 mile one way trip but we made it. The dog never got car sick again. The ride home was fine. Maybe he was desensitized on that trip.

Re: carsickness

I have found that riding closer to the front of the car helps puppies (and me). I have a crate in my van that is sidewise behind the passenger seat, and the ones who have nausea generally do much better there than in the back. Also no feeding a couple of hours (at least) before the ride.

Re: carsickness

Send me your email address & I will send you a doc with instructions.

Re: carsickness

I had good luck with ginger capsules. You can get them at your local health food store.

Re: carsickness