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Tooth Question

How serious is this issue with teeth from a conformation standpoint: a Lab's teeth are all present, occlusion is correct, bite is scissors except for the 2 very front bottom teeth which are ever so slightly in front of the 2 front top teeth.

Re: Tooth Question

How old? That is a cross bite and there is something you can do if you are talking about baby teeth.

Re: Tooth Question

What do you mean by "serious?" Heritable? Judges reject? Interferes with chewing or how the jaw works? Gets worse over time? Gets better over time? Affects other teeth?

Re: Tooth Question

From a show perspective.... I have a 10 mos old that has one front tooth (bottom) that ended up in front of her top..otherwise perfect bite...litterally just one tooth. She has been shown 3 weekends...has a major, a single and a Reserve.

I am not really concerned with it being a heritable trait as she is my 4th generation in this line and it certainly does not affect her quality of life.

Re: Tooth Question

Cross bite, ok. This dog is 18 months old.

Does anyone see this as a serious fault? He's very nicely made and will stay here - great pedigree too. Great type. I just wonder if this cross bite will hold him back in the show ring?

Re: Tooth Question

Yes, I have heard judges frown on wry mouths. However, it is not a genetic defect according to canine dentists.

Re: Tooth Question

The standard is what the dog is being judged against and what a vet or anyone else feels is not an issue is not considered in the show ring. If the dog has a bad bite it will be faulted. It has to be a sissor bite but a level bite is acceptable. Undershot, partially undershot, or wry are bad bites and would prevent your dog from winning in the ring no matter how nice the dog is.