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Flea treatment for puppy?

I have a 9 week old that I suspect has fleas (thought I see none) or mites. Would Revoltion be suitable to use right now?

Re: Flea treatment for puppy?

Vectra for puppies is the way to go, has an insect growth regulator, and an "insecticide" that causes fleas and ticks to short-circuit neurologically and die. Very effective, and tested safe on puppies at 7 weeks at 3 and 5 TIMES the recommended dose. This is what the manufacturers have to go through with the safety testing to get products approved. It has been proven safe and effective, with no adverse effects.
And I belive it is effective against mites also, but that might be "off label" use. Check it out online and see if you can get that information.
Anyone out there have any personal experience with Vectra?

Re: Flea treatment for puppy?

I'd wait to actually figure out what is wrong with him. Don't go giving poisons unless its absolutely necessary.

If its mites, treat that. If its fleas, treat that. If its dry skin, treat that.

Re: Flea treatment for puppy?

A good bath with a mild soap, followed by a thorough combing would be the first thing to try. Actually, a couple of baths might be needed. I do not like chemicals of any kind on a young pup.