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I placed a pup in a southern California home recently. They called today to say that he smells awful and has puss bumps on his head. He can't get into his vet till the morning and my vet is off on Wednesdays. We think we have narrowed it down to the avacado tree in the backyard. How poisonous is this for dogs? What level of scared should I be at? I told him to call and ask the vet, but he had to leave a message and the vet hasn't called back yet.

Re: Avacados

Re: Avacados

When I lived in Fallbrook (the avocado capital of the world!) my Labradors would steal avocados and eat them, as they were all over the place. The only bad aspect about eating avocados is they got fat! The good aspect of eating avocados is their skin and coat were awesome from the healthy oil!
There are several foods and nutritional supplements for dogs that have avocado or avocado oil in them.
I am not aware that they are poisonous for dogs, although they are toxic for birds.
The bumps and pustules could be an allergic response to something, or a skin infection caused by who knows what. Hopefully the dog has been seen by a veterinarian by now.

Re: Avacados

That the fruit is not toxic to dogs but the skin and pits can be (from what I remember).