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looking for an article

When visiting other areas of the Wiscoy site, I saw an article I like to read. Does anyone know where I can find:

Developing a Distinctive Line of Labrador Retrievers written by Dorothy "Dot" Galvin of Hennings Mill Labradors

the current link is bad.


Re: looking for an article

Was it ever published in print, as in perhaps Labrador Quarterly? I can't go through my LQs this week to look, but Jill's citation lists it as the end of 1998.

Re: looking for an article

The article was in LQ and was on Dot's website, Hennings Mill. She doesn't have a website anymore, so that could be why the link is not working.

I am not sure what year of LQ the article was in for sure.

Re: looking for an article

This article would be so helpful to those making posts expecting others to give lists of stud dogs for their bitch , that nobody even knows the pedigree of or has seen a picture of.
I know novices do not realize how "out there" that request is, expecting others to suggest a stud dog for their bitch, but maybe if they read this article they would understand , somewhat?
Wondering also if Jill would consider giving space to some of the great articles, written by the icons of our Breed.