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Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Im looking list of the best stud dogs in USA, carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

No one is going to answer you without a private email address.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Please include an email and you might get a better response. Most of us do not want to be guilty of advertising on the forum. I have a few names that you could research as potentials but will not list them on the forum. I would be happy to email them to you however.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Do a forum search - this topic has come up multiple times

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Ch Shalane Fly by Knight. producing very well.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Im looking Biss AM Ch. & Top Producers ? Please send me the names of dogs have excellents clearences and BB??

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

only one? thanks

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Asking folks that post on this forum for a reply back with the name of a dominant black male is not advertising.

Advertising is all the "ancillary" commentary people always seem inclined to include. If folks stuck to just answering the question I see no problem with posting the name of the dog.

As far as mentioning the clearances, don't do that. Folks need to locate and verify that information themselves.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Come on Newbie. There is no shame in asking. Give your email address and you will get a lot of responses.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

My email is

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

I sent to you!! Thanks people!!

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???


Newbie, there are several threads about this topic on this forum. Please use the resources that are available and search for them.

You can check your clearances at OFFA.ORG

And you can check for BISS winners through Jill's show results page, through infodog, through breeder websites

When you are looking for a stud dog, you should have the ability and patience to do the research. And since you are a newbie, you can also ask your mentor to help.

Best of luck in your search.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Yes, I agree you should do your own research. That is one way to learn and retain that knowledge. Look thru some Lab Quarterly magaazines, and you will find a lot of dominant black male Labs.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Maybe the OP is a foreigner and there is a language gap? Don't be so mean to her.

After the TVD thread and validity of it, I would also be looking for recommendations for a BB.

OP. I know of a Canadian boy who is named , Can.Ch. Hollyhill's American Idol ~ Rueben ~ Bred by Ruth of Hollyhill Labradors, owned by Beverly Sidor of Tormentil in CANADA, not in the States.

There is a group of only girls he produced for his owner on the Tormentil page, you might want to look at that.

There are other BB boys that I won't use so I can't send you to them. I'm sorry.

Good luck in your search. Don't let the nasty's make you feel bad. They should be happy around the Holidays but they're crabby labby's.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

I am really not meaning to be mean or crabby. I am actually in a fantastic mood.
I just know that you learn more when you do your own research and learning. Travel to dogshows, check the quarterly, talk to your mentor, etc etc. There are so many resources in our reach that so many people dedicated time and passion to, that should not go to waste.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Don't think we need to name any names. That is how we get ourself in a fix on here. Jill was just nice enough to let us have the forum so be careful about names. Just do some research like we all have to do.

BB Dogs

I think the person who recommended doing some research has a good point. Here are some thoughts: looking through Julie Browns and LQ's is absolutely a great way to start to find out what style of lab you prefer, and to get a good idea of what a given stud dog produces. The specialty results page will show the BISS, etc, and then you need to do more research.

I think many of us might be hesitant with your post because many of us feel that color should not be a top priority, and b). just because a dog wins a specialty doesn't mean it's the right dog for your bitch. When someone is looking just for color and a specialty winner, (and I'm not saying you are, but that you might be coming across as such) often such a person is more interested in winning and selling pups without true regard for the breed.

That said, there are many individuals on this forum with a wealth of knowledge who will be willing to give advice for building a breeding program if you are patient and willing to learn.

Good luck!

Re: BB Dogs

Starting to research with a list of suggested dogs is a lot easier than starting from scratch. Give the kid a break.

Re: BB Dogs

Here's the tip then of where to start. Call Hoflin and ask them if you can buy the last Stud LQ. Or get a US friend to buy it for you and mail it (I know personal mailing overseas is sometimes cheaper than having a company do it).

Then once you weed out the BB's from the rest, you have a starting place.

Re: BB Dogs

Ugly answer, i not have idea, why is the reassons many people of Dog World have issues, I NOT LIKE A PROBLEMS!!! I only introduce one questions about the BBs, In USA many breeders talks about have the best Blacks, but more That blacks are By, Im not interesting in use that, And that is the reassons of my question, Im sorry...

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Try to attend the Potomac in April. Go to for further information.

You can then see the dogs rather then surf websites and ask questions of the owners and breeders of dominant black boys.

You don't want to breed to just a picture do you? You can get clearance information off websites and OFA. Buy the catalogue so you can refer to each dog by no. and bring a pen and pad to make notes.

That's my suggestion.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

That is sure what the rest of us do. Shows, specialtys, attend and make notes of offsprings. Just research.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Why on God's green earth would color be a factor in your breeding decision? It's the LAST thing you should be concerned with. If you can produce a litter or more free of any genetic health issues you should thank your lucky stars. That and temperament.... but color??? Please - do you homework, or please don't get involved in breeding.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

No newbie
Why on God's green earth would color be a factor in your breeding decision? It's the LAST thing you should be concerned with. If you can produce a litter or more free of any genetic health issues you should thank your lucky stars. That and temperament.... but color??? Please - do you homework, or please don't get involved in breeding.

..... but that doesn't label someone who does, a good breeder or a bad breeder. Some people just prefer a specific color. I don't begrudge anyone for that. I do, however, have issues with those who don't know the difference between a well-made dog, correct balance, a correct head, good bone, good coat or the other 1,000 things that matter. I'd be happy with any color at the other end of the lead as long as he was a good representative of the breed and made me proud to walk into the ring with him. The one way to do this hobby successfully is to attend the big shows, read, study, talk to breeders you admire (even if it scares you to death) and think about how you can produce all of the above. I hope you find the dog you're looking for.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

So, No Newbie, I suppose if your heart's desire was a red car you'd buy a black one if that was the only color the dealer had on the lot.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

I for one would certainly take a black Mercedes over a red Pinto if those were the only two choices on the lot! Dog breeding and car buying have no correlation.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Oh. So now you're telling me you'd use a black Mercedes (BOB at a specialty?) over a red Pinto (from a BYB?). How clever.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

No, I am saying it is a ridiculous analogy. There is no correlation or relevance to preferring a car of a certain color and selecting a mate for breeding.

I can see puppy buyers having a particular preference because they have multiple breeders from which to choose and can wait for the right dog. A particular bitch has specific good points and faults and breeding to a specific color is not going to help correct faults or maintain the good points. The dog should have something else going for it. Sometimes the stars do align, but starting with color (the least important factor)is very limiting.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

I can think of a breeder, probably the best in the USA, who specializes in blacks. I can think of another incredibly successful breeder who specializes in chocolates. I think you'd better talk to them and set them straight.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

Well, I see no problem with having a BB list only. But, I would rather do the research myself to be sure that I haven't left any dog off my list, that should be on it. I think I would start with a particular pedigree in mind, and then try to find a BB within that kind of pedigree.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

I haven't been on this forum for awhile and it seems some things never change. The judgemental, snobby breeders are still here.

In some cases color can be a big factor. What if, for example, one wanted a black bitch to keep. Why wouldn't you breed your girl to a BB to increase the chances of getting that? I have had yellow to black breedings that produced NO black girls for example.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

I am sure there are some top breeders who can afford to breed for color because they have built strong bitch lines that produce consistently over the years. Most of us do not have that luxury. And yes, there are many breeders who specialize in a certain color - it doesn't mean they are breeding high quality or sound dogs. There is a breeder in my area who breeds lovely winning chocolates that consistently produce elbow and temperament issues generation after generation. One of the biggest issues with puppy mills is that they breed what will sell - chocolates some year, yellows in other. Of course people can do what they want, but if the dogs are not sound,have no type, or have no working ability, color is irrelevant. I think the goal of improving qualities in certain colors is admirable as long as people are dedicated to the entire dog and not just the color.

The place to start is with one's bitch - what is she lacking and what does she bring to the table - and then start looking for dogs that can improve her. If some of those dogs happen to be BB, great. I personally have no desire to keep yellows in my kennel but am not going to turn down a quality stud based on color.

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

I agree with the previous poster.
The gene pool in Labrador Retrievers is soooooo large. I don't think anyone is trying to be mean, but maybe are steering the Newbie in the direction of doing her own research. If someone on this forum recommended a specific stud dog and this person bred to that stud dog and things didn't turn out well, what would she do? Blame the recommender? What would she learn from the recommendation, since she is a self-admitted newbie?...would she come to an erroneous conclusion that a specific breeder or a specific line is "bad"? Or would she cut her losses like the rest of us and pursue other pedigrees and phenotypes by going to more specialties, talking to other breeders and consulting with her mentor or breeder of her bitch and studying the breed magazines?
In this impersonal electronic information-gathering culture, it is impossible to know what this person is looking for, what she wants to accomplish, what her bitch's pedigree is, and how serious she is about breeding or showing.
Newbie, there is no cookbook answer to finding a stud dog. It is trial and error until you gain the knowledge and experience to make good decisions. It involves networking, mentoring, research, and soul-searching (what's important to you?) for what you want to accomplish in the breed. No one should recommend what dog to breed to, except possibly the breeder of your bitch. Use that person or find a mentor who can help you with your decision. No one is trying to be mean, but perhaps they are frustrated with your willingness to consult strangers who don't know you or your bitch.
Also, wanting to breed only to a BISS stud severely limits positive choices and turns off a lot of people. Just because a dog has not won a specialty yet does not make him a poor choice for your bitch. Asking someone on the forum what BB stud dog you should breed your bitch to is like asking a stranger what green vegetable you should buy in the supermarket! So many choices, so many your research!

Re: Help please: List of Stud Dogs Carrie BB (dom.blk)???

I seriously can't see what the problem is with Newbie's request. Let's say people suggested a couple dozen dominant black dogs. She would surely learn something wading through all their information.

If someone said they were looking for a recipe for a new and different dip for a party they were planning, would you tell them to do their research and hand them some cookbooks?

Even if you have been breeding for many years, I am sure you are all ears when others are discussing some dog. Newbie may know a couple of people, compared to your many many contacts.

It wouldn't be that hard to respond to newbie's question and give the kid a break. I wonder what the response would have been if she had called herself "really old breeder" and phrased the question a little differently.