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Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

Have been reading about supplements that would help young and old Labs with joint issues or would be good to give to help them stay problem free.
Here are the main ingredients I see mentioned over and over again.

Glucosamine & Chondroitin
Pema Canaliculus
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Avacado/Soybean Unsaponifiables

Anyone use any or all of these?
Name of supplements that contain them that you have seen results with?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

I give my kids Dasuquin

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

Adequan is probably better than any of those or even all of them together.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

Glucosamine with HA ( Has worked best, even tried it myself The regular Glucosamine with anything else has not worked. This was amazing. However be careful when ordering they have sent the wrong stuff on occasion.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

I have the best results with Hyaluronic Acid, either Trixsyn or Lubrisyn. A good MSM (Opti-MSM) 1000 mgs. 2 x's per day is also very good and I've tried this myself. Neither are hard on the stomach.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

I've had remarkable luck with lubrisyn with my boy who has OCD of the hocks. He's almost 8, and so far, no pain killers needed. I need to go knock some wood now.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

I've had good luck with Dasuquin and Omega 3,6,9 suppliments for a young lab diagnosed with FCP. She has been on it for almost 9 months and is not limping at all. She had been limping at 6 months.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

You can email me privately if you want the latest information on joint supplements. I work for a distributor that sells all kinds of joint supplements that I have information on, but have also worked for veterinarians for 22 years, so I would ask you what your vet has recommended also.
I can help you with the ingredients you have mentioned. Generally speaking, the best joint supplements have perna or blue/green algae (natural cox-2 inhibitors) or have the SAP, like Dasuquin by Nutramax.
Email me if you would like more information.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

We use this product for our seniors, one has ED.

Seriously of all the stuff we've tried in 6 years this is the best for my ED girl. No more limping and she is running more now than every.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

I use a ultra efa & glucosamine + msm forte(douglas laboratories).

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

I forgot the name brand for the ultra efa its by rx vitamins

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

We use Trixsyn, I've been told that it is liquid Adequan.

Re: Supplements for dogs with joint issues?

We use Dasuquin and Welactin-this combo seems to work for my oldies(but goodies!)