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stud dogs that produce rear/turn of stifle

Have a wonderful bitch that is gorgeous in almost every way...getting ready to breed her and would like more turn of stifle for pups...have been looking for almost 1 1/2 years at speciality shows and all breed...want to know what stud dogs Stamp his puppies with good rears and angels
Merry Christmas to all

Re: stud dogs that produce rear/turn of stifle

There's not a Labrador stud dog out there that does not stamp his puppies with angels (sic), and since it is Christmas, I think Labrador angels is a good topic!
Sorry, could not resist!
To answer the question, rather than getting that "cookbook" answer you're looking for from the Forum, do the research for your bitch in this area. Look for a dog that comes from a whole line of good rears, generation after generation. Go to specialties, see the puppies out of these stud dogs, study the pedigrees, look at Julie Brown's Directory, the LQ, and talk to breeders who have seen the parents of the stud dogs you have narrowed it down to, etc.
But first, along with that good rear, you want a good front, level topline, good bone, nice layback, good depth of body, good tailset, etc. In other words: BALANCE. Balance and type and soundness are the most important things when chosing a stud dog. When you find all that, then delve into the depth of the pedigree to find consistant good rears.
If you've been looking at shows for a year and a half, maybe go to specialties out of your area, maybe what appeals to you is not in your area.
Consider your bitch's pedigree also: Do her parents both have good rears? Siblings? She may produce good rears depending on what's behind her, regardless of who you breed her to! Ask her breeder for advice.
So you can see it's not as easy as asking names of dogs who have good rears and breeding to one of them, to be able to produce them! So many factors....lots of research and networking!