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Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

Oct. 17 1997 - Dec. 25 2010.
~ by Ch Linrays Over The Top ex Ch Gorsebrook's Amazing Grace CD ~
Co-owned with Sharon H. who did all the working titles
Mutiple Best of Breed, Group winner, Specialty Class winner, High in Trial, pickup dog at shoots....
and the most wonderful, friendly temperament.
Love & miss you always, my Coley Monster

Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

So sorry to hear this Leslie. Cole did his Daddy proud, and it aches to see the last of his kids passing on.

my warmest thoughts for you in this time of loss.


Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

So sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Godspeed Sweet Cole.

Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

I am so sorry to hear of your great loss. Cole became a Christmas Angel!!!!

Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

Leslie, It is sad to see the last of the Topper sons leave this earth. But, you will see him again. My heart aches as I had a great opportunity to play with Cole this summer and swim with him. He is now with KC and their daddy, playing and running free.What fabulous embrassadors to the breed.

Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

Leslie, I'm so sorry for your loss... he was a great representative of the breed. Godspeed, Cole.

Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

I am very sorry for your loss.

Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

Leslie - So sorry to hear about your loss.

- Margie

Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

I am so very sorry about Cole boy. He is joinging his father and all those that are waiting for us there, forever young. Until you meet again I send you my condolences.

I have a Topper 13 year old daughter Missy and she is getting up there and has been my Greatest Mommy that I have ever had. Cole was very special too!

Re: Ch. Gorsebrook's Cole Porter WC JH CDX RN

I would like to thank all of you for your kindness at this time, your thoughts mean so much to us.
I have made a slideshow of Cole, please enjoy it with your speakers on:
To watch the slideshow, please click the link below: