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Yay ... Snow is here!

The Silva family is so excited to have our first snowfall. While it is a day late for a white Christmas, we are still enjoying every snowflake. We are all off for a evening stroll around the pond in the snow! Yahoooooo!

Happy Holidays - Enjoy the snow!

Re: Yay ... Snow is here!

Enjoy! I know I will. According to the weather channel site, we could get dumped on pretty good here in Warren County.

Re: Yay ... Snow is here!

My bet is you'll get to try out that new snow blower. Don't let it get away from you........... have fun

Re: Yay ... Snow is here!

We are getting dumped on good here in bergen county. Close to a foot already

I have a 5.5 month old pup boarding and its his first snow experience.

So much fun!!!!! and taking tons of pics.

Enjoy the snow with your Labs everyone.......

Re: Yay ... Snow is here!

Kim, Alyssa, Brynne and I hiked the property this evening with the moon beaming and our flashlight guiding us in the dark and falling snow. We started out walking around the pond and decided to continue throughout the hilly wooded area to the back of the property. It was great family fun to explore the creek and the old bridge to town in the snow! We walked back to the house from the end of the road. I am sure those traveling by thought we were stranded or crazy!

I understand about Labs seeing snow for the first time. While our labs experienced snowfall last year for their first time, Garbo from Brazil, is experiencing the winter wonderland for his first time. He and his running mates are having a blast retrieving and shaking the white powder off of their faces after diving for the ball. It is a riot!

I'll be firing up that new snowblower in the morning for sure, Marion!


Re: Yay ... Snow is here!

so glad you guys are enjoying this. I know its a big change from where you came from.

My Miya loves to go out in the snow and just lay on her side and slide thru it down the slight hill to the river...

too cute to watch.

Keep enjoying it and try to stay warm in the mean time.

Once those first time Labbies get a shot at the snow they want out every 10 minutes to play in it,,,, LOL

Re: Yay ... Snow is here!

I am so glad you are enjoying the snow, if you want more come up to London Ontario, which had a few weeks back 5.5 feet dumped on.loll The ski-doo trails are to die for, and skiing. hope you do not get snowed in.