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Alternatives to Bitter Apple?

I've been searching online for bitter grape, but no luck. Any suggestions and places to buy for a dog who loves bitter apple? Alum also doesn't deter her.

Re: Alternatives to Bitter Apple?

There is a product called "YUK" gel. We use it at the Vet Clinic to prevent dogs from licking their bandages and IV catheters. It works pretty well! Best of luck.

Re: Alternatives to Bitter Apple?

You could try TEA Tree OIL.
Use a Q-Tip and apply where needed.
My dog's hate the smell. I even use
it on the girl's britches when in heat
so the boys will leave them alone.


Re: Alternatives to Bitter Apple?

Fooey works great for my rabbit. Just make sure to wash your hands with soap and water after using it. A little Ben Gay rubbed on bandages works, too.

Re: Alternatives to Bitter Apple?

Sorry, no ideas for alternatives to bitter apple. But for other readers you may find this interesting. describes how to use bitter apple so the don't learn to like it. Although I really hate doing this, it works.

Before putting bitter apple on furniture legs, etc. where they can lick itsy bits of it and like it you have to teach them to hate even the smell. This is done by spraying it in their mouth for 3 days straight - they'll detest even going near the smell after being introduced to it in full strength.

I've only had to do it once for a girl who constantly chewed on furniture legs. It worked but I hated spraying it directly in the mouth for 3 days. However, if you don't do this -they will like the itsy bitsy taste of it on whatever. This is how bitter apple was originally designed to be used :(

Re: Alternatives to Bitter Apple?

Many years ago before I knew about Bitter Apple.... I used Oil of worked great on furniture or anything wood.

Re: Alternatives to Bitter Apple?

Nothing works better on leashes than Bengay.

Re: Alternatives to Bitter Apple?

Vicks Vapo Rub works well also, but can be a little messy.
I used it on one of my girls that licked her legs. It stopped her.