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Need some ideas

Hi All,

Got any ideas on what to do with a male lab that gets gurgiling sounds and then spits up bile. I been looking around the internet and what i found out was that it could be an acid stomach. I tried feeding him smaller amounts of food four times a day and that worked for a short time but now he really doesn't want to eat, which I'm assuming the acid in his stomach is bothering him. Problem here is that food doesn't interest him as much as it does other dogs. Any ideas you have for him? I even added chicken pieces, cheese, string beans, and banana to his food and it doesn't seem to work. We had him to the vet a few weeks ago and they gave him some anti-nausia meds-which seemed to work, but i'm looking for a more natural way to stop the gurgles and get him to eat.

Thanks for your thoughts ahead of time.

Re: Need some ideas

Try breaking a Tums in quarters and putting them in his meals, one full Tums (broken in quarters) in each meal.

Re: Need some ideas

Has your Vet X-Rayed your boy? If not you might request for some films to be done to rule out a possible foreign body or something else that may be causing a problem. Have you tried feeding a good quality holistic or organic canned food? My old girl can no longer digest kibble so I started feeding her canned food or home cooking and pureeing her food. She's doing great and looks forward to every meal. It's worth a try if you haven't already tried it. Best of luck with your boy!

Re: Need some ideas

Well it seems like there must be something wrong with him that could be serious, but if you and your vet don't think there is...

Ginger with meals may help settle his stomach. It is something you can give dogs, but if he is on NSAIDs, or you think he has an ulcer, or if he needs surgery then do not use it. You can do fresh minced ginger or get capsules. You have to get the dose right for him, too little and it won't work, too much could actually upset his stomach. Here is a short blurb to start your research

Other herbs you might look into are peppermint and slippery elm.

Really though you will have to do your own research into this stuff, find books and articles by experts, not random people on the internet. Try starting with The Goldsteins' Wellness and Longevity book. He might need a whole lifestyle overhaul to fix his problem.

If I were you I would switch his food to a novel protein/novel carb diet for a while and see if that helps, maybe something grain free. I'm not a breeder, but I have had more than one dog that simply could not eat chicken.

Re: Need some ideas

Try a course of Prilosec. 1 tab for 14 days.
I would do a complete blood work to rule out pancreas or liver problems.

Re: Need some ideas

I had a girl with IBD who was on a lot of meds and found that generic Pepcid AC helped her a lot. Sometimes at night when her stomach got empty, it gurgled horribly and I knew she wasn't feeling well. I fed her three small meals a day - the last one just before bedtime - and used the Pepcid. It would probably be best to consult your vet first though. Hope your pup feels better soon.

Re: Need some ideas

I would agree that an xray is in order...and keep the diet bland and simple. Do not change the diet by adding beans, bananas and other things to the diet, it will cause digestive problems in and of itself.
Vomiting bile is never normal, see another vet if the first one does not want to pursue further diagnostics. You need a diagnosis for this dog to determine what course of treatment or change in diet is indicated.
Good luck and let us know what the veterinarian says.

Re: Need some ideas

Had a girl that had gurgle stomach. What helped her was a daily Pepcid AC and a snack at bedtime. Saw a lot of vets and with no acute problem, this is what we finally did for normal comfort and maintenance.

Re: Need some ideas

Before you worry too much or try too many different vets or change the food....just feed your pup a larger meal in the evening, and if necessary, a decent sized snack before bedtime. I have a 3 year old male that I have been keeping lean, but if he doesn't get a good meal at night, he vomits bile in the AM, and many times with a gurgling tummy. My oldest male did this for several years when he was younger. He just burned through his food.

If that doesn't help, then you still have plenty of time to see your vet and change your food.