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European Hip & Elbow Scores

I've noticed a few dogs with hip scores of A & B, and elbows of 0. Is there someplace I can go to see an explanation of the scoring scheme?

Re: European Hip & Elbow Scores

All your answers can be found here. Compares the scoring mode of FCI, BVA and OFA.

Re: European Hip & Elbow Scores

Forgot: Elbows with a 0-0 FCI score are normal (no changes).
Score 1: Mild changes.
Score 2: Moderate changes.
Score 3: Severe changes.

Re: European Hip & Elbow Scores

Well done. Thank you Anki!!

Re: European Hip & Elbow Scores

I've noticed a few dogs with hip scores of A & B, and elbows of 0. Is there someplace I can go to see an explanation of the scoring scheme?

If you look on the back of your OFA certificates it defines the FCI scores.

UK (BVA) hips you would preferably want the pair of numbers to add up to 10 or less. The lower the number the better.

Re: European Hip & Elbow Scores

Thank you Anki!