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chew toys for aggressive chewer?

Over the last 13 years we've had Labs we've never had an official aggressive chewer. She goes through rope toys like they are single strings, she turns the black Kong into a pile of rubber in a matter of hours, those heavy "Tire Biter" rubber tire chews same thing, she goes through the deer antler chews in less than a week.

We are getting tired of buying new chew toys every week - any ideas????

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

I have a couple of power chewers here. I find if I give them a raw beef femur bone 4-6 inches long, fresh (or frozen) it really detours their chewing and they have the brightest sparkling teeth. Even my vet asked how I keep their teeth so clean. One of my girls is 7 and I have never brushed teeth here, just give them raw bones regularly!!!

When we get a beef for the freezer, I have them cut the bones up for me and freeze them. My feed store also can get frozen beef or bison bones. They are really worth it. My entire crew loves them.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

Now, I've never used raw bones as chew toys - should I expect a big mess in the house or diarrhea? I'm thinking it won't be the chew toy for the living room or anything, maybe just in the crate?

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

For outdoor treats that last a while I dilute some apple juice and fill Cool Whip containers with the juice and add apple slices, baby carrots, chunks of squash and what ever else I happen to have and freeze it. I put a couple of these frozen treats on the back deck and the boys just go wild for them. It's like chewing for treasure! They chew them for a while and then push them around like giant hocky pucks.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

I have several doggy pillows laying in my kitchen and my dining room and they always go to them. My little one goes to her crate, and then there is another crate that someone will race too just so they have more privacy. They are not real meaty and mine are use to them so they do not get the runs. I do not let them in the living room with them until all the meat and marrow is gone.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

I just bought my dogs Antlerz ... they're great and seem to be holding up well.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

Yeah - she is going through an antler each week - can get to be expensive at times keeping her in chew toys....

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

I give my dogs raw marrow bones weekly. They get them in their kennel runs or outside. Never had an issue with stomach problems and their teeth are nice and clean. Once they are done with the bones I stuff them with canned pumpkin or canned dog food and re-freeze them for a quick 'chew toy'.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

I give my dogs raw marrow bones weekly. They get them in their kennel runs or outside. Never had an issue with stomach problems and their teeth are nice and clean. Once they are done with the bones I stuff them with canned pumpkin or canned dog food and re-freeze them for a quick 'chew toy'.

Stuffing them with pumpkin or canned food and freezing them is a great idea. I am going to try that.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

I just gathered up all the furkids' empty chewed on femur bones and stuffed them with pumpkin to put them in the freezer. Needeless to say I had 8 dogs sitting here staring at me waiting to give them their new treat. I popped them into the freezer and three of them have been laying in front of the freezer since. Lucky doggies this afternoon

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer? (everlasting fun ball) Large size. I have been using them on my labs for 6 months now and my dogs tear up everything!!! They look brand new, I was very leary when the lady at the show said the dogs could not tear them up, they are soft rubber and you can stick treats inside. They are great for puppies cutting teeth also. THEY CAN NOT TEAR THEM UP! Give them a try you will buy more.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

Sounds like our boy who can chew thru most anything! We've had good luck with the large Nylabones(white ones) or the Gallelio bones. He's 4 yrs now and when it decides to chew....nothing but these seem to last.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

We use marrow bones. The dogs are allowed to bring them in the house once they have done the initial work and the outside of the bone is cleaned off. We are a 7 dog household so they are not kennel dogs. They carry the bones around so they are inside and outside and last for a month or more. They got 7 nice new ones for Christmas.

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

I had a box of beef femur bones given to me for the dogs at Christmas time. I gave my kennel room dogs the bones and they were in heaven. Then my husband got home and went into the kennel room and started gagging at the smell. The rest of us really did not smell anything. It was so bad that I had to take the bones away and clean out my kennel room (or lose my kennel help). Now my husband worked on a dairy farm as a teenager - not sure if the smell was a reminder of dead cows or what. Were my bones bad?

Re: chew toys for aggressive chewer?

beef marrow bones are great. I do start slow so the body gets use to the marrow - to prevent the runs.

give for 10-15 min. and refreeze working your way up to letting them finish the marrow in one feeding.

I lay a towel or old dog sheet down on the floor and my dogs know they have to stay on that to have their bones in the house.