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Fertile Focus test

Any experiences with the Fertile Focus test ?

Re: Fertile Focus test

If your talking about the little pocket scope, yes. What do you need?

Re: Fertile Focus test

Wondering what the success rate was with them.

Re: Fertile Focus test

A pocket scope doesn't pinpoint ovulation in dogs but it can be used to see how close to ovulation your getting and save you the cost of a couple of progesterone tests. How good it works will depend on how good your technique is.

Re: Fertile Focus test

I tried the saliva thing and was not able to get sufficient saliva to make it work. I even dangled luscious treats under my girl's nose in hope of her producing droolcicles. No luck.

Re: Fertile Focus test

You only need a drop. I put a clean piece of wax paper wax side up on the floor between my dog and her dish and I add something yummy in her dish. I sometimes stir up the food and delay releasing her to get her to salivate. Once I see a drop I remove the wax paper and let her eat. Invert the paper over the lens and carefully transfer some spit to the lens.

Re: Fertile Focus test

While you people are all running around with your "ovulation water witching sticks" we are all paying the big bucks for progesterone numbers!!!

Re: Fertile Focus test

you gotta be kiddin' me!
While you people are all running around with your "ovulation water witching sticks" we are all paying the big bucks for progesterone numbers!!!

I heard ferning of saliva under a microscope works to predict ovulation from a good source.

I haven't done it yet and pay the same fortune for progesterone levels as you do.

Re: Fertile Focus test

Missy, do you even need the Focus test or can this be done with my own slides and microscope? I am always looking for a way to save some money on the progesterone testing, so if this can help me avoid a couple of early on tests, that's (in my area, at my vet) a couple of hundred dollars in my pocket. Based on the video I just watched, it looks like any slide and microscope with 50x will work. Any advice would be appreciated.

Re: Fertile Focus test

I use a microscope and slides myself but I have also used a "pocket microscope". I prefer using slides because they can be labeled and saved for comparing to the previous days test. A tip that has helped me: don't spread out your sample keep it in a drop if possible and let it dry for 30 minutes. If it takes longer than 30 minutes to dry then your sample is too big (thick). A full fern indicates estrogen peak.