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Preg girl with blockage

Just bred this girl and she has a blockage - threw up a sock - thought she had gotten rid of the bad stuff but she is still throwing up breakfast.

What can I do for her?

Re: Preg girl with blockage

I would get her to a vet.

Re: Preg girl with blockage

If it is still in her stomach they may be able to go down her throat to get it.

Prayers she will be ok.

Re: Preg girl with blockage

I agree with take her to the vet... also do not feed vomiting dogs.

Re: Preg girl with blockage

Yup - she is at the vet now.....thanks

Re: Preg girl with blockage

Please update us when you can. Prayers continue

Re: Preg girl with blockage

7 hours after taking her into the ER - the doc says: "the barium is moving through." the tech was just taking her out to pee and maybe poop......With IV fluids - hydration and the barium - hopefully we've dodged the bullet......MAYBE. I've never wished so hard for a dog to POOP!!

Re: Preg girl with blockage

I remember one spring, when all the snow melted, I found the remnants of what had to have been several kitchen towels. I don't think I ever realized they were missing. Last week, in the morning, I found two totally unidentifiable brown things the size of an Italian sausage link on the kitchen floor. This time they were regurgitated. The digestive systems of labradors can be truly amazing.

Re: Preg girl with blockage


Re: Preg girl with blockage

My girl did the same thing only it was part of two sock and part of the tennis show - all one week before she was due to deliver.

She threw up a lot of stuff then spent the day at the vet's. Fortunately she was able to pass the rest and no surgery was required.

No pun intended but I hope everything comes out OK.