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Puppy Strangles

I need advise.After doing a much researched and much anticipated breeding,I have myself a strangles puppy!We've seen strangles twice before in nearly 30 years,out of bitches generations removed from our original stock and totally unrelated studs.Of course the pup affected is what was to be my keeper!The Emergency Clinic Vet who saw her says there is no genetic link,as does much of what I've read on the Veterinary links on the internet.Help me decide what to do here-I need input.

Re: Puppy Strangles

Wish I had something to offer besides my love and prayers. Let me know how the pup is doing. So sorry Cathy.

Re: Puppy Strangles

Thank you Kris.She's doing great actually.She'll be fine,it's the breeding aspect I'm concerned about."No known cause"isn't good enough for me.It's a major bummer,I love this little girl.

Re: Puppy Strangles

I bought 2 puppies out of a huge litter where they all came down with puppy strangles. Since then, I bred my girl this last year and non of her pups had puppy strangles. There was no lasting effects on any of the pups who had puppy strangles. I don't see any genetic connection with puppy strangles, though some vets are quick to judge and suggest not breeding a dog who had puppy strangles.
If I were you, I would keep your girl for now.

Re: Puppy Strangles

With all the other health issues that aren't treatable, puppy strangles is the least of your problems.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Re: Puppy Strangles

Thank you.She's pretty,sweet and I love her pedigree.I just want to do whats right and not perpetuate a problem.So far it looks like she'll have minimal,if any scarring.Luckily,I recognized those pustules immediately.When I felt her swollen lymph nodes,off we went to the Emergency Clinic!Time will tell,we'll see how she looks overall!

Re: Puppy Strangles

Is she on steroids and antibiotic? from what I know this is very important to nip it in the bud real quick and prevent scarring.

Re: Puppy Strangles

Yes,I started the Pred and Antibiotics as soon as we got home.My Vet doesn't use pred on strangles puppies,thats one reason I took her elsewhere.I see a huge difference in healing over the one we had 8 years ago without pred.That was a nightmare!

Re: Puppy Strangles

I have had it once and but like you nip it quickly. I did not give it a second thought. Have never had it again from any of that line and bred the mother again and sisters, it scares you at first but don't panic. I would be thankful you caught it early for your pup.

Re: Puppy Strangles

Looks like she's still my future hopeful!Thanks to all for your words of encouragement.We test and research and test some more,only to get hit with a curveball.I feel much better about this little "snag".Again,thanks to all!

Re: Puppy Strangles

In 20 years I never even saw a puppy with strangles and then I get two in two months. Two litters, raised in two different places.

Anyhow, with Pred, antibiotics *and* ranitidine both boys cleared up perfectly.

They are now 10 and 12 months old and the scarring is disappearing. The black is barely noticeable but the yellow looks like he is recovering from an acne outbreak.

The yellow will be shown and probably used at stud for my own girls. I'm not concerned about it as being genetic. Since the one puppy is a fifth generation of my one line I think I may have seen it prior to this. Of course, things like this fall under s*** happens in the breeding world. :-)

Re: Puppy Strangles

Thank you for your input!My little girl is doing great.She's on her last week of meds(pred and clavamox)and looks like she'll have little,if any,scarring.Not one person has indicated any worry about a genetic link,which makes me feel much better.She's a happy,outgoing beautiful girl on her way to good health and hopefully a show career!