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Spay / Neuter agreements

I've been a breeder for a long time and all my dogs going to pet homes. Are required to be spayed or neutered just after their first birthday . Before AKC papers are given even if marked limited ,So I'm assured that they are in fact spayed or neutered . This is allowed with the AKC and I have gone it for many years .

So now their has been many calls for boys and they claim to be PET PEOPLE and they dont want to fix them ? I have not sold dogs to these people . But i would like to know what others are doing in this sitution arises . thanks in advance.

Re: Spay / Neuter agreements

I tell people like that , that I do not have a puppy for them, then tell them to have a good day . Conversation over.

Re: Spay / Neuter agreements

Buyer either follows my rules via contract, etc. or they don't get a pup.

Meaning the minute someone tells me they do not want to spay or neuter the conversation is over. No pup period.

Re: Spay / Neuter agreements

That is a tough call. Intact males are healthier than neutered males. More people are becoming educated and there are sure to be many pet buyers who will want to keep their boys intact.

Re: Spay / Neuter agreements

It seems I have the opposite problem with puppy buyers, the 1st thing they want to do is neuter at 6mos old. I do my best to explain to wait is in the best interest of the dog. Their vet tells them the earlier the better, who do they want to believe me or a vet? But I give it my best explaining the cons of early neutering. I tell them I won't honor the contact if they neuter early but most go ahead and do it anyway.

Re: Spay / Neuter agreements

You can give your puppy buyers a copy of this document.

Re: Spay / Neuter agreements

I have given a copy of that document for the past several years. I have gotten both good and bad feed back on it. Some vets find it helpful and some tell the my puppy people that "you always beleive the vet not the breeder". My contract does say that if they do not wait until the pup is 12 months old then all genetic claims are null and void and they need to explain that to their vet. Some people are good and some follow the vet blindly.

As far as the original post goes, some people i will tell no the pup HAS to be nuetered and some i do not. It depends on the feeling i get from the family and the issues they discuss with me.