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Earthborn Holistic Dog Food

Has anyone fed this food and what has been the results?
In January they will roll out a new version that is grain-free, and I am considering switching from TOTW.

Re: Earthborn Holistic Dog Food

Tried one bag of the fish formula with grains. My dog had more dandruff than when on her normal Acana Pacifica. I think it was because it did not have as much fat in it. Don't know how it compares to TOTW, never tried TOTW because I don't like the company that manufactures it.

Now for an unsolicited plug for my favorite brand: If you are looking for grain free, I recommend Acana, same price as Earthborn grainfree. Earthborn may be just as good, but the maker of Acana is very open with information about the manufacturing of the food, whereas I've never found that kind of info for Earthborn.

Re: Earthborn Holistic Dog Food

If a dog food is "grain free", I would like to know what the main sources of carbohydrates are.

Re: Earthborn Holistic Dog Food

Depends on the brand, not all use the same ingredients.

Re: Earthborn Holistic Dog Food

Usually carbohydrates come from potatoes or some other root vegetable.

Re: Earthborn Holistic Dog Food

I have used TOTW and Earthborn and liked them both.

Re: Earthborn Holistic Dog Food

I use the Earthborn Puppy Vantage AND Love it!!!! Ingredient list is everything you could feed children. Big and Chubby puppies!!!!!!