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Letting puppies run with the pack?

At what age do you let your youngsters start to spend the day with nice, older (but rambunctious) dogs? I have a 6 month old boy who plays next to older girls but who is dying to romp all day with them. They like him. I am just afraid he might get hurt with all the commotion.

Re: Letting puppies run with the pack?

I usually wait until the pups are 9 months old and then with only the quiet ones. They're a year old before I let them really rough house. They still run and play at a younger age but with others their own weight. They still retrieve and work but at an appropriate level for their age and weight.

Re: Letting puppies run with the pack?

Mine do, but then they are around one another constantly from birth onward, so the novelty has worn off a bit by the time the rest of the litter has left. Been lucky so far w/ my puppies. I have had an injury in an 18 mo old done in horse play, but some stuff is just going to happen.

Re: Letting puppies run with the pack?

Puppies here are with the big dogs from the beginning. The big dogs know they are puppies and are gentle with them. Of course, there is one older dog that prefers not to have anything to do with them. The the puppies don't bother her since she is no fun.