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Disparaging remarks

I'm wondering why the TVD post is allowed to continue , isn't this one of the reasons we lost this forum , and yet it goes on. And why aren't the ISP numbers posted, so we can all know who these people are? They need to take their place in the Hall of Shame and Ignorance !

Re: Disparaging remarks

IP numbers are private. You need a court order to reveal an IP number to someone who has petitioned the court for just cause for its release. You can't expose every IP number on a forum unless the rules of the forum state that IP numbers will be visible.

Re: Need remarks

What are you talking about ? I see nothing being said bad. I find it so hard to believe the ones with dog who are have these siezures are not joining in to help out. As many times as I have heard be careful with this pedigree or that pedigree we all know its there and we can't get 25 people to send in samples. I agree, that tell me alot want to hide it. Same with hearts. I just get tired of having to figure it out what pedigree to stay far away from. Then I see someone newer using these dogs and just wait for the bad news. We all invest so much money. HELP ! Do the right thing. I don't understand.

Re: Disparaging remarks

I'm wondering why the TVD post is allowed to continue , isn't this one of the reasons we lost this forum , and yet it goes on. And why aren't the ISP numbers posted, so we can all know who these people are? They need to take their place in the Hall of Shame and Ignorance !

Even if the *IP* no.'s were revealed, which I doubt will happen, *you* breeder have no way to know for sure the identities of the poster.

*There are alot of vacancies in the Hall of Shame and Ignorance. Why don't you just pull up a chair.

Re: Need remarks

The thread is about TVD

What are you talking about ? I see nothing being said bad. I find it so hard to believe the ones with dog who are have these siezures are not joining in to help out. As many times as I have heard be careful with this pedigree or that pedigree we all know its there and we can't get 25 people to send in samples. I agree, that tell me alot want to hide it. Same with hearts. I just get tired of having to figure it out what pedigree to stay far away from. Then I see someone newer using these dogs and just wait for the bad news. We all invest so much money. HELP ! Do the right thing. I don't understand.

Appropriate quotes

Your closing comment reminded me of an old joke. When the political candidate was asked what he thought was the solution to ignorance and apathy, his response was, "I don't know and I don't care."

The real issue regarding many health problems is best summed up by Einstein when he said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

Re: Disparaging remarks

IP numbers are private. You need a court order to reveal an IP number to someone who has petitioned the court for just cause for its release. You can't expose every IP number on a forum unless the rules of the forum state that IP numbers will be visible.

IP numbers are most certainly not private. If they were, this forum could have been shut down at least twice that I know of when Jill got fed up and posted them. They weren't up long, but they were up. As to why she is allowing this to continue, only she knows. Maybe some of her friends up in the NE, and their friends in turn, are the ones slinging the mud.