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Canadian Majors?

I am seeing more and more people state that their dogs have won majors in Canada - has the Canadian system changed? The last time I checked there were no "majors" in Canada (there are 1 point through 5 point (requiring 13 dogs)wins but they are not the equivalent of the same point schedules in the U.S.). There was a requirement that a dog must have a 2 point win (meaning it must defeat more than 1 other dog at a show)to finish a Championship but I have seen no mention of "majors". Has Canada altered its point system?

Re: Canadian Majors?

I've seen the same far as I know there is a requirement for at least one "2 pt" win. No majors involved, the quality of the dogs in Canada is high and there are often U/S Champions up there is not always a piece of cake to finish up there. Kudo's to everyone that gets out and shows their dogs I love traveling north and competing

Re: Canadian Majors?

Thanks - I enjoy traveling and showing in Canada as well. I have finished several dogs with 4 and 5 point wins (in fact, it is difficult not to achieve at least a 2 or 3 point win) but it is not the same as a major entry show in the U.S. - the requirements are not the same. The atmosphere is always friendly and relaxed and it is fun.

Re: Canadian Majors?

I've noticed that alot lately too, people advertising they finished in canada with all Majors and thought I had missed something. I've been showing up there for years and had never heard of it. Thank you for clearing that up.

Re: Canadian Majors?

Not that I am aware of and I show and live in Canada. We only have a point system, nothing about majors. Either you have a 1 point ,2,3,4,5 point win, and need a 2 point win , three judges and 10 points in total to get a Championship.

Re: Canadian Majors?

Just as in the U.S. - a 3, 4 or 5 point win is considered A MAJOR WIN. Many people show in Canada and only win 1 point shows here and there. A dog who has finished with some bigger point wins is using the correct terminology to let you know that they earned major wins and not just piddly one point wins here and there. Make sense? I sure hope so because anyone who actively competes in the show ring should easily understand this terminology. We all know what a major win is - it is based by higher points and much more competition!

The CKC requires 10 points, earned under 3 different judges and at least one win has to be a 2 point win. If a dog has earned all major wins [all wins with 3, 4 or 5 point wins] for their Ch. in Canada, that's awesome and should be told that way! This is definitely a big achievement and they should be very proud!

Re: Canadian Majors?

in answer to the question........

there are no "MAJORS" you can call your wins anything you want, BUT there are no Majors, you need at least one win of 2 pt's, you can also obtain additional pt's with Group wins or placements. The system is unlike the AKC one and is not based on Majors.Does this "makes sense" I sure hope so

Re: Canadian Majors?

Sounds like the ever present green eyed monster here with the OP and a few other of the posters! You may not need a required major win except the 2 pt required within the 10 pts, but dogs who have won big points to finish their CH is called MAJOR WINS, regardless if Canada "requires" a major win or not, the dog STILL has won MAJOR WINS with any 5,4 or 3 point wins. Be happy for them, not caddy! GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Canadian Majors?

No one is saying one should not be proud of their wins! At the same time, exaggerating the significance of wins does not make it any more than it is. Why is it necessary to create a "major" out of something that should be nice on its own? It is like stating a dog won this class or that when their dog was the only dog in the class. That is not a "win", it is a ribbon, which is nice but why is there such a desire to inflate everything? Just go to shows and have fun.

I think everyone should be proud of their dogs whether they win or not - it is too bad that bragging rights mean so much that everything has gotten out of control.

Re: Canadian Majors?

I'm not farmiliar with the Canadian rules. What is the point schedule?

Re: Canadian Majors?

If someone wins a higher pointed win, as in 3/4/5 points, that is a major win, let them say it how they want and don't be so picky, no matter the country the show was in! Good grief people. Should they say they won some higher pointed wins? Would that make all you complainers and nitpickers happier? It is not your dogs, so move on and grow up! Dog shows won't be around much longer with nasty people who have nothing better to do than nitpick these types of things.
No one is inflating anything, a 3/4/5 win is considered a major win. If others have finished with "BIG" or major wins; wins that were 5/4/3 points, they are using the correct terminology. How else would another person know this unless they explain it exactly how it happened? How about get out and train your dogs and earn more titles than sit here on this forum nitpicking other peoples big wins! Sounds like alot of jealousy in these posts. Shame on you.

Re: Canadian Majors?

Dogs Competing/Points:
1 / 0
2 / 1
3 to 5 / 2
6 to 9 / 3
10-12 / 4
13 or more / 5

The difference in Canada is that if the dog goes BOW you count all of the opposite sex dogs as well for your points. So a dog could earn 1 point for WD but if it goes BOW and there were 5 bitches then it is a 3 point win. It would still be only a 2 point win for the bitch.

The point schedule is the same for all breeds and all areas of the country.

More often than not, if the entry is much lower in one sex, they will be awarded BOW to make up for it.

Re: Canadian Majors?

Point Schedule
More often than not, if the entry is much lower in one sex, they will be awarded BOW to make up for it.

I would disagree with this - I've actually rarely seen this happen in my region (Ontario). In my experience, this is much more commonly done in the States than here.