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Progesterone levels on 4th Day after seeing blood

Have a bitch who started bleeding on Fri 12/31, took her in Mon 8am for progesterone test, got results today - 6.5ng! don't know what to think... can a bitch have "normal high levels of progesterone" and maybe doesn't follow the textbook and actually ovulate at a higher level? Last year on day 6 she was already 5.8 and AI'd her 3 times over the following 5 days and didn't take. has anyone had a bitch ovulate so early?

Re: Progesterone levels on 4th Day after seeing blood

I have not experienced what you have with this bitch, but do have bitches that don't spot much. I keep track of them a few weeks before they are due again and "Q-tip" them often to see if they have color. What color was she when you bred her last time? Do you have any males around? My boys usually know when something is going on.

Re: Progesterone levels on 4th Day after seeing blood

I have a male but he would mount her even if she wasn't in heat. She wasn't "due" in heat until the middle or end of I wasn't wiping her with a tissue like usual. I thought I had a few weeks - jokes on me LOL.

Re: Progesterone levels on 4th Day after seeing blood

Even another female will mount days before. Walk behind sniffing before. Sounds like she keep herself very clean. I also, try to put a light color sheet in a crate or pad they sleep on when it might be time.

Re: Progesterone levels on 4th Day after seeing blood

I track all of my girls every time they come in to season when i am breeding them. I have one girl who is in standing heat any where from day 3 of heat to day 15 of heat. Each heat/dog is different.

Re: Progesterone levels on 4th Day after seeing blood

I have bred a girl that ovulates within a week of coming into season.

Re: Progesterone levels on 4th Day after seeing blood

thank you all who replied, we'll see what happens.