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Thyroid testing

Just wondering... I've noticed some people have them and some don't. Do you do Thyroid tests on your Labs or do you ask for one when using a Stud?

Re: Thyroid testing

No and No.

Re: Thyroid testing

I don't
No and No.

yes, and yes. Though I know I am in the minority.

Re: Thyroid testing

What kind of thyroid testing do you do? Is there a genetic test, or just a panel? who does it ie, company, or vet? blood or cheek swab?

Re: Thyroid testing

What kind of thyroid testing do you do? Is there a genetic test, or just a panel? who does it ie, company, or vet? blood or cheek swab?

Jean Dodds is who I like to use. She will work with your vet. I have my vet do a blood draw, and I send out the sample and paperwork and payment to her.

Re: Thyroid testing

I just had one done too! I was worried about my boy because he seems to be losing weight and thought he might have an overactive, but my Vet said dogs only have underactive . Had him do it anyhow just to be sure and all is good just gonna up his food a bit