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judges ed at Potomac

We are having a judges education seminar at the Potomac this year on Monday the day before the show begins. In the morning we have a power point presentation by Dr Michael Woods and hands on examination of dogs in the afternoon. The next day which is the first day of the show we are offering ringside mentoring. The Potomac is such a well attended show and since many all-breed judges come to watch we are hoping they will sign up for the seminar. This is open to current judges, from the US or other countries, and any planning to apply to judge Labradors. Details will be on the web site closer to the show date and in the premium list. If any of you know an all-breed judge that may be able to attend please pass the word. It is posted on the AKC web site with the seminars and will appear in the Gazette. As a reminder to anyone attending the ringside mentoring please bring along the form from AKC (you can download it off their web site) to have your mentor sign it so you can use it as one of the components when you apply.
Traci Stintzcum

Re: judges ed at Potomac

Mike Woods does a great job with the seminar. I attended a few years ago with a "hands on" dog and got to sit through the presentation part. For most Lab breeders the presentation should be a refresher. It is well done and great material to be presented to the potential judges, especially judges from other breeds who are just learning the Labrador. I particularly enjoyed the "hands on" part where the participants went over my dog. They asked lots of good questions while they went over her. A little tough to hear your dog's faults discussed out loud by a group of strangers but the more we can educate potential judges the better. Overall it was a very good experience. I would volunteer one of my dogs again in a minute.

Re: judges ed at Potomac

sounds wonderful, but sad that it is not open to exhibitors not quite ready to become a judge...

Re: judges ed at Potomac

boo hoo
sounds wonderful, but sad that it is not open to exhibitors not quite ready to become a judge...

Yes but ......... the judges or soon to be judges are deserving of a seminar of their own ...... Exhibitors have had their fair share of nice ...... educational seminars....

If you have a mentor attending ..... maybe they will share some tips with you......