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Allow or not

Is it ok for a pregnant bitch to jump down off your bed? Will she stop going up there when she gets bigger?

Re: Allow or not

Nobody has an opinion on this or lets their dog on their bed?

Re: Allow or not

Nobody has an opinion on this or lets their dog on their bed?

Mine get on my bed all the time, jump- no not if they are really big with puppies that's when I help them up or down, but up till then yes they are fine. It's nice to snuggle and give them a good tummy rub!

Re: Allow or not

I allow my dogs on the bed. I try to discourage the pregnant ones from coming up but they just don't understand why they aren't allowed up anymore.

Sadly, one of my PG bitches tried to jump up on the bed during the middle of the night, miscalculated and hit her belly on the edge of the mattress. She was 10 days before her due date. She went into labor and delivered her 10 pups. 9 died over the 1st 2 days and only 1 lived. They were just too premature despite our best efforts to save them. We were devastated.

If you allow it, I recommend getting doggie steps or put an ottoman next to your bed. That is what we do.

Re: Allow or not

For the last couple of weeks of pregnancy when they gain the most weight, I usually have mine to sleep in the whelping box, which is in the master bath next to our bedroom. Before the last couple of weeks, they do usually sleep in our bed. A lot depends on how high off the floor your bed is.

Re: Allow or not

I also make mine sleep in the whelping box.

I try to keep them off of the couch too. Afraid of trauma to the belly. I get those expensive orthopedic beds for the living room and don't allow other dogs on the couch in front of her.

Re: Allow or not

I wouldn't after the breeding. Especially if it's a high bed like most newer mattresses are today. Better safe than sorry.

Re: Allow or not

I wouldn't allow my pregnant girl to jump on my bed either. First, my dogs don't sleep in my bed. I have to have some of my own space. Second, once any of my girls are bred they become "bubble girl". I keep them as safe as I can. I don't even like her running up and down my stairs. She goes for her routine walks and I keep her fit, but other than that no rough running or jumping.