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Specialty Results and Calender Pages

Just wanted to let you guys know that I have FINALLY made the updates to both...thanks for your patience. It's been a busy couple of weeks!


Re: Specialty Results and Calender Pages

Thank-You Jill. Your work is much appreciated!

Re: Specialty Results and Calender Pages

We sure appreciate your hard work Jill.
I think we finally were able to get all the results from GGLRC to you, but it still hasn't been posted yet!
Do you need the placements again? I think Jan Cameron has them.

Re: Specialty Results and Calender Pages

Yes PLEASE resend them to them. I recently installed a new spam filter and it's acting up a bit. So, please , resend it to me and I'll get them up for you.


Re: Specialty Results and Calender Pages

Will do. Thanks Jill!