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I had my girl at the vet today for her check-up and she weighed 77lbs. She is 2 and a half. What is a normal weight range for a spayed bitch at that age? She is my first lab. Does she need a doggie diet????

Re: Weight

Just like people, proper weight on a dog depends on the individual. For a range of desired weights, and if your dog is from conformation lines, read the Standard for your country.

If your dog is field lines or a pet-to-pet breeding, there is no right answer - the build and structure of these breedings is all over the map.

Desired weight is the weight which is correct for an individual dog, depending in part on bone and amount of muscling. Can you feel your dog's ribs? and is there a slight curve on both sides of the waist from above? If so, weight is probably OK.