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Little Grizabella died in our arms today. Born 9.25.10; died 1.05.11.

Despite her tiny size, she was the first of her litter to do everything--balance on the teeter board, go through the tunnel, mount the stairs, chew a bone. She was able to get her canine mother to play when no other puppy could. She roughhoused with puppies twice her size and could jolly up the most irritable adult dog. She pounced and played like a cat. She loved to crawl over the other puppies and then sink into the middle of the puppy pile to sleep. She feared nothing. Perhaps she knew her life would be short and that she needed to use every moment of it.

Every human Grizabella met loved her. She curled into the lap of an elderly woman with dementia and awoke a spark of remembrance and love so strong that the woman had her aide call us the next day to find out how Grizabella was doing. She snuggled with a woman who had PTSD and comforted her. On the day she died, a vet tech repeatedly begged to take her for her own.

Grizabella faced everything with joy and courage. She continued to face life with courage until the end. When we saw the ultrasound of her kidneys, we were stunned that she had lived so well during her short life. She had the gigantic fluid filled sacs of juvenile polycystic kidney disease.

We have had a hard year, but her little light help us for the short time that she allowed it to shine into our lives. Perhaps as the Glamour Cat after whom she was named, she will be reborn into our lives again some day. We can hope. Kate

Re: Grizabella

Kate, I am so very sorry. The pups just have our hearts from day one. This one sounds so special. I am sorry for your loss. Glad you have the wonderful memories.

Re: Grizabella

Kate my heart cries for you and all your losses the past few months. May your sweet girl rest in peace and you find joy, health and happiness in 2011.

Re: Grizabella

Kate, there is a reason such things happen, but it's hard to understand when we're going through these times.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Re: Grizabella

Kate, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that remembering the joy she brought will be a comfort. Hugs from here!

Re: Grizabella

So sorry Kate... Hugs

Re: Grizabella

I am so sorry that you've lost Grizabella - for now, anyway. Sounds like she had quite the impact and touched many hearts while she was here.
I hope your sadness eases and gives way to the smiles she obviously brought to you.
You will be together again. She is waiting for you.

Re: Grizabella

My heartfelt condolences Kate for the loss of such a precious, special little girl. She was obviously brought into this world for a reason, and accomplished so much in her short life... Run free little angel. I am sure God has big plans for you at the bridge.

Re: Grizabella

Grizabella had a powerful energy that she needed to share, it burned so bright. She's still giving her energy, it's only changed into another form. You were so blessed to have her in your life, it makes us appreciate the moments we have , no matter how short.

Re: Grizabella

Thank you for your kind words and for reading about Grizabella. She is the first puppy whose life I have ever had to end. The whole experience was difficult but one of the most difficult parts was the awful feeling that few people would meet her and know how special she was. My vet only knew her as "the little puppy" so it was important to me that they know she had a name, that she was loved, and that she had an important, if short, life.

She truly had one of the most wonderful personas that I have ever bred--brave, curious, loving, calm, smart, and willing. In her short life she touched those who met her. Like any puppy she played, she discovered, she loved. She had a big heart. I was glad to have had her part of my life. I wish she could have stayed longer and been known by many. I can't do justice with words to who she was but this post gives me a chance to try.