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Interesting reading in Dog World

Just came across this reading in Dog World by David Craig and would like to share it with you all.

WITH THIS being the last of the Labrador notes of 2010 and the dawning of a new year on the horizon, perhaps it is pertinent to muse of one’s hopes and dreams for 2011. Firstly, my hope would be for the emergence of a top class black dog whose conformation, type and movement was outstanding, whose background was excellent for many generations and who would be able to become a prepotent sire stamping his qualities and virtues onto the breed.

Secondly, from a personal perspective since it is usually impossible for me to attend weekday shows, more shows held over two days on a weekend would be a great bonus. Perhaps this could come with the decrease in entries overall so that having shows over four days will become unnecessary.

Next, fewer Labradors registered would surely be in the interests of the breed and would surely have a knock-on effect of less Labradors coming into rescue or in need of rehoming. The top of the league in terms of registrations over the last few years with in excess of 40,000 registered each year, such phenomenal popularity does have its pitfalls!

My fourth hope is that societies at all levels of competition give more thought to the choice of the judges appointed to judge the breed. Since the judges definitely do help to shape the breed, genuine enthusiasts who have knowledge and integrity are required and will, I am sure, be given the support of the exhibitors. Linked to this, I would also hope that entry fees are reduced or at least do not rise further. It is expensive enough to enter a team of dogs for a show and it is often perplexing how some societies can charge a higher entry fee for their shows when they are using the selfsame grounds as other, cheaper-entry societies.

Another hope linked to shows is that open shows gain more support from Labrador exhibitors. Certainly in the North East, it is most perplexing to see so few Labradors entered at all-breed open shows, even when breed classes are scheduled, especially when one considers that more Labradors are registered each year compared with all other breeds.

While it might be a pipedream, my seventh hope for the new year is that petrol prices fall or at least do not continue to rise as further increases in fuel prices will certainly detrimentally affect the entries at shows.

In eighth place, I would wish for it to become compulsory for animals to be microchipped in order to identify them absolutely for the various KC health schemes (hips and eyes, for example). Also, it would be great if the breed was taken more seriously in group competition at championship level. If one looks back at the annals of the breed, it is a very prestigious list indeed if one considers the number of Labradors who have either won groups or BIS awards at championship level, something which is all the more significant when one considers the large entries from which the BOB winner comes.

Some of the greatest specimens of the breed - Comedy Star and Hazelnut, for example - only ever got as far as winning reserve in the gundog group even though their conformation, breed characteristics and movement was exemplary.

Finally, I would hope that everyone finds time to read and re-read Mary Roslin-Williams’ masterful and insightful book Advanced Labrador Breeding which is like no other publication on the breed either before or since. Not only does it include great wisdom and opinions that make one think, it is educational as well as being written in M R-W’s superb English grammar and style!

Re: Interesting reading in Dog World

"Finally, I would hope that everyone finds time to read and re-read Mary Roslin-Williams’ masterful and insightful book Advanced Labrador Breeding which is like no other publication on the breed either before or since. Not only does it include great wisdom and opinions that make one think, it is educational as well as being written in M R-W’s superb English grammar and style!"

I think more would if the current listing price wasn't $1500

Thanks for sharing.

Re: Interesting reading in Dog World

Those are great wishes but so many are highly unlikely for only a year Reader. I would be happy if 1 of your well analyzed thoughts would come true, mainly health and healing of our Labbys.

I hope 1st and fore most; for the health of the breed to take at least 1 large step. That could be a genetic test for TVD or finally for epilepsy. Epilepsy, we're so close to with 21 of 25 pairs blood being analyzed. Please, keep sending blood samples for both diseases.

In 2011, let us find the genetic transmission for 1 serious disease and we'll be far ahead of 2010. We can then hope for more. If we hope and expect to much it's like a watched pot. It never boils.

Last, I hope for peace on earth which effects our dogs also.

Re: Interesting reading in Dog World

What is it with these books. Gosh, glad I have Reaching for the Stars and don't have to go find one.
And do read it over and over.

Re: Interesting reading in Dog World

Originally Posted by Anki in Sweden
It's available from Doral Publishing for 26.95 USD. Just scroll down a bit.

Re: Interesting reading in Dog World

Interesting list of wishes.
I for one would rather use my gas to drive to one venue and attend a 3 or 4 day show, leaving my next weekend free.
The problem in the northeast is too many handlers. I have shown in the midwest, northeast and the southeast. It is pretty much a waste of money, except on the rare occasion, to show your own dog in the Northeast.
I believe when the numbers come out for this past year there will be less litters reg. Unfortunately those fewer litter are from responsible breeders.
I think we can all agree on the judging wish.
I also have to agree that some of the Labradors that are long gone were my ideal.
Thank you for posting this as I don't get Dog World. It was an interesting read and thought provoking.

Re: Interesting reading in Dog World

Dog World can be read online - show results, David's Breed Notes and lots of other Labrador News. URL is:

As for the Doral Publishing and MRW's book - I believe it is sold out, but you can always serach for it (old or new version) at different "old books sites". is a good example.

Re: Interesting reading in Dog World

Originally Posted by Anki in Sweden
It's available from Doral Publishing for 26.95 USD. Just scroll down a bit.

Um, no. If you clicked on the link you would see a big red Out of Stock

Re: Interesting reading in Dog World

Anki in Sweden
Dog World can be read online - show results, David's Breed Notes and lots of other Labrador News. URL is:

As for the Doral Publishing and MRW's book - I believe it is sold out, but you can always serach for it (old or new version) at different "old books sites". is a good example.