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Silly Dog

Things have been way too serious on this forum lately so I thought I'd start a thread about silly things our Labradors do. So here goes.....I have a two year old boy who has become kind of obsessed with watching a certain TV show. It's a British comedy called "Keeping Up Appearances" on PBS. He actually enters the room as soon as he hears the theme music as the program begins. He sits beside me on the couch and actually watches the show. If there is the occasional appearance of a dog on the show he'll get off the couch and get closer to the TV until the dog is gone from the screen and then return to me. When the show is over he goes about his business of pestering his house mates and playing.....I don't know if he is attracted to the british accents of the actors or the music or both, but he watches this show as if he understands everything that goes on. My husband and I just look at each other and laugh at the antics of this silly young fool! It's the perfect way to wind down from a long, hard day at work!

Re: Silly Dog

My yellow boy is quite the "gear guy." He hones in on anything that is hand-held and electronic, like 3 cell phones; GONE, my birding binoculars; GONE, the 'help and I've fallen down and can't get up' alarm necklace that I keep on my night stand (BTW when he chomped on it he activated the alarm and 10 minutes later the sheriff's dept. showed up. They were doing their job). I have to counter surf the room before I leave to go to another room or part of the house. ARGH! Cute?

Re: Silly Dog

Great idea, Melody!

Unfortunately, my boys don't do anything funny when I'm watching...they all wait until I've gone to bed.

Re: Silly Dog

When my husband and I first got married, we had people accusing us of not calling them back when they left messages on our machine. Well, one day both of us were in another room in the house and all of a sudden we heard our answering machine playing. When we walked into the living room, there was our golden retriever listening to the voice speaking to her. Apparently she liked the pretty red light that used to blink on the machine and would press the button.

The next act I had never before seen, and would not have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. While sitting eating dinner one night, one of our curly coated retrievers took a mouth full of water out of the water bowl, threw it up in the air and tried to catch it again! They are a very amusing breed.

Re: Silly Dog

What a great idea for a thread! Knowing how orally fixated Labs can be, I taught Caleb at an early age to bring me whatever he picked up (which saved his life the time he picked up a pair of scissors with the blase pointing towards his throat when he was about 4 months old). Anyway- now when he's feeling "ignored", he'll pick up something he knows he shouldn't have and peak around a corner at you until you see him. Sometimes it's something as tiny as the corner to a piece of paper. I've also taught him to pick up things I drop if I ask, bring me my slippers and bring in the newspaper (well, to be honest, he taught himself that one). All those have led to funny moments, too- one day my husband was unpacking groceries and dropped something. Next thing I know, I hear him asking why Caleb was staring at him and not moving out of the way. Simple answer- Caleb was waiting to be asked to pick up what dropped.

Re: Silly Dog

I've posted this before, but it was a while ago. My old Egan liked to eat paper, and once put me in the difficult position of having to tell a student that my dog ate her homework! Fortunately I had already graded it!

Re: Silly Dog

My Ch. Echo loves to purr and parade with toys in her mouth. The more you say, "Oh do you have your monkey" (or whatever) the more prancey, purrry, growly she gets. We call it The Echo dance. It goes from a 1 - 2 step, to butt wiggling, to hopping, then kinda bucking, to full out butt-tucking run around the house and the NOISE!!!! Geez Louise!! We laugh and all the younger dogs look at her like shes crazy or they wished they could help. They have tried - but Echo insist's a SOLO thing.

Valerie - Bibsmum

Re: Silly Dog

Melody, I love it!!!
With the recent rains in California recently, I had standing water in my back yard. Makes it difficult to potty train a puppy, since this particular puppy likes you to stand out there with her IN THE RAIN to "help" her pee! I put her outside once it stopped raining to get some exercise and peeked out the window to check on her after a few minutes. What I saw was a puppy digging in the mud like there was no tomorrow, then standing back and staring, fascinated. On closer inspection, I realized what she was doing was repeatedly making a hole for the water to fill up again, then digging it away, then watching it fill up again. The wheels were turning wildly in her head trying to figure out HOW on earth this could happen! Then the whole muzzle went in to the soupy hole to see what she could feel.
I told my friend it was like watching someone trying to figure out the laws of physics without benefit of a brain! Made me laugh out loud watching her despite the mess---it was worth it for a good belly laugh!

Re: Silly Dog

I went in the bedroom tonight to get something, not really noticing that I seemed to be short one yellow bitch in the livingroom.
There stood our 3 yr old wrapped with the phone cord around her neck, under a leg, around a back leg and then around her tail.
We have no idea how she did it, but she made no noise and was just standing there quietly waiting for someone to rescue her.

Re: Silly Dog

How 'bout a silly old dog? Yesterday's snow storm failed to arrive here in SE CT until after we all were asleep. At around 2:30 am, I was awakened by Beauregard's polite woofing, his way of saying "Get up; I need to go out."
He went out, joined by the other three Labs, did his business and woofed again to come in. I rolled out of my warm bed once again to let them in, and then settled in for the rest of the night--or so I thought. About a half-hour later, there was Beauie, woofing again. What the heck? Grumbling, I let him out. At his age, he's almost 12 now, I figured maybe he really did need to go out again to pee. Once again, I returned to bed after he came back in. Sure enough, just as I was almost asleep, he woofed again. Now I was beginning to think something must be wrong. I worry about his health and age-related issues with him a lot. So this time as I let him and the other three out yet again ( nobody likes to pass up a chance to go outside in the wee hours of the morning apparently), I watched out the kitchen window. What did I see? An old boy struggling in any way? Heck no! I saw an old boy lead the way for a mad romp in the falling snow! Why sleep when there's fun to be had in a winter wonderland! Sigh...
I rounded them up once again--Beauie bringing up the rear reluctantly--passed out cookies, and warned them all to go to sleep and not wake me up until the appropriate hour. I must say, the appropriate hour came awfully quickly.

Re: Silly Dog

These are great stories My one year old, Kota, picks up her bowl after eating and runs to the kennel run where her dad is (who is still eating) she puts the bowl down in front of him and waits - like he is going to share his food?!

Re: Silly Dog

My 9 month old puppy was using her dinner bowl to scoop up snow yesterday! She was fascinated by her first snow and would dump the bowl over head and scoop up more!

Re: Silly Dog

When our 5 yo male figures hubby is going upstairs, he gets his ball, goes to the top of the stairs, waits til hubby is at the bottom the "tosses" the ball to hubby with his nose. Hubby will toss the ball back and wait for another toss from our boy. I keep telling hubby he should be throwing the ball, not the dog, lol.

Re: Silly Dog

Love all of your stories about your wonderful silly furkids.

We have our first chocolate pup. This past fall she started digging - at least we thought she was digging. Our large doggy play yard is divided in two and she'd start in the morning on one side and end up by noon on the other side. But we never saw how she got from one side to the other.

One day I decided to watch out of the upstairs windows with binoculars to see exactly how this was happening. What I saw amazed me. The old yellow matriarch of the pack was digging a hole for the chocolate to pass through. She'd dig while the chocolate pup watched, then the chocolate pup would try it out while the matriarch watched very excited with ears perked. Chocolate would climb out of the half done hole and wait while the old girl dug some more. Finally, the chocolate rolled on her back and wiggled through.

If she got stuck, the matriach's grown pup would start digging on the other side until the chocolate was through.

Once the chocolate was through, both sides of the playard were full of celebrating activity - running, jumping, flying through the barrels or over them like - yeah, we did it again!!

We sadly lined bottom of the dividing fence with large rocks as pup grew older - we were afraid she'd get stuck. But while it went on it was so funny to watch.

So the chocolate never was caught digging because she never did the digging - the others did all the work for her! I still am not sure how they in doggy language coordinated this, but it was done many times - true team effort.

Re: Silly Dog

My two year old male loves to play with the big hunk of ice that I dump out of my bird bath every day during the winter. He jumps straight up in the air - all four legs at a time - waiting for me to dump it out for him. As soon as I do, he picks it up, which is no easy task since it's about 10 inches wide and 3 inches thick. After he's done carrying it around, he puts it down on the ground and starts pushing it around with his front feet. He "ice skates" all over the yard! I haven't found a way yet to explain to him why there is no ice to play with in the summer...