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Puppies for sale

Hi All,

I received 2 emails this afternoon from well known
breeders telling me about pups they had available, I was part of a big mailing. I have never received this before. Now I am just fine with it, letting us know in case we have folks looking but I was wondering if any one else is having trouble finding good homes for their babies. I am getting ready to breed and I am having second thoughts.

Re: Puppies for sale

WE all are .

Re: Puppies for sale

I have people wanting pups but they aren't what I would say good homes

Unless you have reservations.. I wouldn't breed until you do.

Re: Puppies for sale

not sure but I have a friend looking for y/f in NJ-can't find one.

Re: Puppies for sale

not sure but I have a friend looking for y/f in NJ-can't find one.

Agreed. I have not seen a change in demand in the PA/NJ area. Especially for yellow or chocolate. But I do hear some parts of the country are very slow. Unfortunately, the families in the NJ/PA area do not want to ship in a puppy. They want to meet the breeder and dam. Can't say I blame them.

Re: Puppies for sale

I have enough people on a waiting list for 2 litters but my female isn't going into heat as planned. I'm watching her closely(maybe too closely)- the people on the list keep calling and e-mailing.

I'm in the Midwest.

Re: Puppies for sale

I went into my current whelp w/ pretty much a full slate of very good (mostly hunting/companion) homes waiting, but it was an all chocolate litter. Had to send several good pet homes elsewhere and also disappointed several who are wanting a black pup. I'm not seeing much of an issue w/ demand here in the NW personally. Lots of folks looking for YFs.


Re: Puppies for sale

We have a 6 week old litter of 10 and have 7 deposits so far. 3 y/f still to go and lots of calls. Funny, in the last 2 days had 2 families call and wanted to buy 2 females. I told them we dont sell 2 littermates to the same family.

Re: Puppies for sale

I have a litter of 8, 4 days old
1 male , 1 female available. Had deposits on 4 before they were born.
No WAY I would have bred with out a waiting list!!!!

Re: Puppies for sale

Had lots of names pre-whelp, but for boys and we were only blessed with very few. Had to weed out the folks that weren't flexible as I can't promise a color until 8 weeks....some weren't willing to pick another color. So I have only 4 of 7 spoken for. I am sure it will work out.

Re: Puppies for sale

So is it common to take deposits before they are born then? I will be breeding for my first litter soon, and I do have a list of names. These people seem genuinely interested, they have been screened, and I dont see that they would have a problem of giving a deposit before they are born. But I hesitate to do so just because what happens if something(God forbid)goes wrong while whelping and I end up without pups?

Re: Puppies for sale

I think most do not take a deposit until pups are on the ground and you know you have what that family wants. I don't want to have to mail them back.

Re: Puppies for sale

I have a litter of 8, 4 days old
1 male , 1 female available. Had deposits on 4 before they were born.
No WAY I would have bred with out a waiting list!!!!

I don't take deposits before whelping but do keep a running list at that time and for weeks prior. I wait until several days to a week of good health for a deposit from the buyers on my list. They've already been screened via telephone and a visit. We're set in that area, less work later and after the pups are on the ground.

I have had buyers back out before and after deposits and handle each case individually. Even with deposits, don't think that can't happen. I'm sure it's happened to you *NE PA*. Can I ask what you do if you have, for example 2 depositing buyers attempt to back out? What if someone loses their job? People on a list that haven't deposited can find a litter ready to go earlier and back out.

Due to the economy and the time of year in the Northeast, I also have heard of many breeders having difficulty placing pups. I've received absolutely no emails from known breeders trying to push their pups. I would be highly disappointed in anyone that did the that. Asking for referrals is fine but not what was described by the OP.

Speaking about yellow bitch pups, I have in the past had the last pup left to be deposited or placed just that. Once my pups have gone home, I receive tons more calls for all different colors and sexes. I refer them to breeders that I'm friendly with or send these buyers to clubs in their area. We all need to do that instead of worrying about our next litter if it's 6 to 12 mo. away. Chances are, the buyer may not wait and could be lost to a puppy mill.

A way to help others is when you receive calls after your pups have gone home or if you don't have a litter, refer them! Too many breeders don't take the time to do so.

So, for those of you having difficulty, a gentle email to others telling them your situation would be wise, rather than mass mailing. I feel mass mailing is in poor taste even if sent to unknown recipients. Start to think of others when your pups are gone. It should help the current situation. jmho.

Re: Puppies for sale

I did not think there was anything terrible about the two breeders that were asking for help with the pups they had available. I am sure many of you received the emails, I saw your names. They were just saying what they had available and if you knew of buyers that might be interested. I was just surprised because if any one would have buyers I would have thought they would , so I was just asking how the "waters" were in different areas of the Country.
Not about how you all handle your puppy buyers, just if they were out there. Thanks for all the kind replys.

So. NY
I have a litter of 8, 4 days old
1 male , 1 female available. Had deposits on 4 before they were born.
No WAY I would have bred with out a waiting list!!!!

I don't take deposits before whelping but do keep a running list at that time and for weeks prior. I wait until several days to a week of good health for a deposit from the buyers on my list. They've already been screened via telephone and a visit. We're set in that area, less work later and after the pups are on the ground.

I have had buyers back out before and after deposits and handle each case individually. Even with deposits, don't think that can't happen. I'm sure it's happened to you *NE PA*. Can I ask what you do if you have, for example 2 depositing buyers attempt to back out? What if someone loses their job? People on a list that haven't deposited can find a litter ready to go earlier and back out.

Due to the economy and the time of year in the Northeast, I also have heard of many breeders having difficulty placing pups. I've received absolutely no emails from known breeders trying to push their pups. I would be highly disappointed in anyone that did the that. Asking for referrals is fine but not what was described by the OP.

Speaking about yellow bitch pups, I have in the past had the last pup left to be deposited or placed just that. Once my pups have gone home, I receive tons more calls for all different colors and sexes. I refer them to breeders that I'm friendly with or send these buyers to clubs in their area. We all need to do that instead of worrying about our next litter if it's 6 to 12 mo. away. Chances are, the buyer may not wait and could be lost to a puppy mill.

A way to help others is when you receive calls after your pups have gone home or if you don't have a litter, refer them! Too many breeders don't take the time to do so.

So, for those of you having difficulty, a gentle email to others telling them your situation would be wise, rather than mass mailing. I feel mass mailing is in poor taste even if sent to unknown recipients. Start to think of others when your pups are gone. It should help the current situation. jmho.

Re: Puppies for sale

We do deposits AFTER pups are born and I can see what I have color-wise and sex-wise. Those that I can PROMISE what they want, I require a deposit. Those that are waiting for a pup to open up if a show pick doesn't pan out at 7-8 weeks, no deposit. Deposits also about a week after when I am sure that the pups are thriving. Sure accidents happen, but for the most part, they stick around after they hit the beginning of week 2.

Re: Puppies for sale

I don't have a litter unless I am ready to keep a puppy to show. I don't take deposits till they are born.
I also have no problem with people asking to help place puppies. I always refer puppy buyers to friends or club members that have puppies available. Our club keeps up good communication about puppies and buyers.
What I do have a problem with is breeders who put out 10-15 litters a year and constantly bug others for referrals. They gripe & whine when they don't get them and can't place the puppies or young adults they ran on. They flood our market and then ask for help... NO MORE
We had one in our club but thank GOD they are gone.

Re: Puppies for sale

I don't breed unless I plan on keeping a puppy for myself, maybe two to run on 'til 6 months. I never take deposits, ever, and have never had a problem selling puppies. I must be just plain lucky (knock on wood) judging from most of the previous posts.

Re: Puppies for sale

What I do have a problem with is breeders who put out 10-15 litters a year and constantly bug others for referrals. They gripe & whine when they don't get them and can't place the puppies or young adults they ran on. They flood our market and then ask for help... NO MORE
We had one in our club but thank GOD they are gone.

I think they've come to my club!!!!

Re: Puppies for sale

Hopefully you won't let them join your club....
Sadly they will flood your market with TONS of puppies too...

Re: Puppies for sale

I don't have a litter unless I am ready to keep a puppy to show. I don't take deposits till they are born.
I also have no problem with people asking to help place puppies. I always refer puppy buyers to friends or club members that have puppies available. Our club keeps up good communication about puppies and buyers.
What I do have a problem with is breeders who put out 10-15 litters a year and constantly bug others for referrals. They gripe & whine when they don't get them and can't place the puppies or young adults they ran on. They flood our market and then ask for help... NO MORE
We had one in our club but thank GOD they are gone.

They have the big nuts to come to you for help with that many litters. I haven't had that happen yet but I don't count others litters usually. Only once when I was lied to, then found the person on almost dozens of sites to sell their supposed *few* litters a year.

The breeders with 1 to 3 litters a year should get the help. If I find out someone is producing that many litters I won't give them the time of day or my referrals. NO MORE is right, the hell with them if they're making an income from selling their pups by breeding quantity.

I'm glad you brought up that point b/c I wasn't aware many were doing that.

Let's help the normal breeders if we have extra puppy buyers. I always do the best I can but I will check further about the amount of litters a year if possible. Thanks for the heads up.

Re: Puppies for sale

What I do have a problem with is breeders who put out 10-15 litters a year and constantly bug others for referrals. They gripe & whine when they don't get them and can't place the puppies or young adults they ran on. They flood our market and then ask for help... NO MORE
We had one in our club but thank GOD they are gone.

I think they've come to my club!!!!

Eek is rite! I hope it's not my club. They should get them banned from advertising with the club.

Re: Puppies for sale

I hate to say it but I bet at Christmas time the puppy mills (and I use this term loosely)had great sales. Sad, But when some breeder who breed way to much and sale way to cheap, they, hurt the ones who are trying to do the best for our Labrador breed that we are intrusted with. Hard to compete with them in some states. Don't know which area the slow sales are in ?

Re: Puppies for sale

I took 4 deposits pre whelp but did not cash the checks until I whelped the litter to see if I could fill the deposit.Too many people say yes put me on the list and when it comes time they back out. At least if I have a check it shows fairly firm intent. I also bred this litter to get a boy for myself.