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Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

I placed two of my girls in a home 6 years ago.
The husband passed last month and the wife (who I am good friends with) is not thinking straight and is taking the simplest path for her life at the moment.

She has put her farm up for sale...OK
gave away 4 horses....OK
put one old cat to sleep, gave a way the other cat.
plans on putting down one old horse...I agree it is time, in a lot of pain due to old hip injury.

She has three dogs, (two are mine)

one 9 year old mix, has started showing signs of seizures randomly in the past year. He also nipped at her 5 year old grandson (it was probably provoked)

A 9 year old female labrador of mine
A 12 year old Labrador of mine, she has been completely deaf and blind for past year, gets along OK where she is.

My friend called me up and said the equine vet was coming out to put her horse down Tuesday AND that she has decided to put down the 9 yr old mix and the 12 year old.

I told her I would take my two girls back, this is not the problem.

I am worried that bring the 12 year old back to my home would stress her out. I currently have 12 labs. 3 yrs old to 12 yrs old. They run as an organized pack on shift schedules, in and out of the house and closed in kennel/yard.

I would put her in with the older gang, so most she grew up with, but she have to be outside in the indoor/out door kennel building with 1/4 acre yard attached during the day. She has been gone from here for 6 years. I am back to working full time as well, come home for lunch every day, but will not be around her 24/7.

I have others that say it would be better off to let her put her to sleep instead of throwing her into blind/deaf chaos.

I would like to know if anyone else has brought a dog like this back and how did you work it out.
Any suggestions to make the transaction easier would be appreciated.

thank you, Janet

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

If I were bringing her back to live as a couch potato in my home for the rest of her life, I would do it. But to bring her to a kennel situation in her condition is worse than putting her down, IMO. Can't you find a spot in your home for her?

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

If I were bringing her back to live as a couch potato in my home for the rest of her life, I would do it. But to bring her to a kennel situation in her condition is worse than putting her down, IMO. Can't you find a spot in your home for her?

Breeder, you saved me from typing the same. At 12 yr. doesn't she deserve being a house dog & possible couch potato. I would get her a large, low doggy bed for her to lie on so she doesn't trip on it. She can lie on it any time she wants and I bet she does most of the time you're at work.

Your friend is making *some* sound decisions but that's JMO. Her head is on straighter then you might realize.

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

The older gang is in and out of the house but she still would have to go out into the yard, they use a doggie door while I am gone. she has incontinence issues as well so if she can not navigate the doggie door I am not sure she could stay in the house.

Do I crate her during the day, (4 hours max at one time) Do I leave her loose with the others?

Of course I have had dogs loose their sight here and been ok because it is familiar, but not bring a blind/deaf one back in.

Looking for suggestions from others that have dealt with it.

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

Perhaps an xpen set up inside for when you are away. Maybe she could share it with the 9 year old she is familiar with. Tough situation. I hope something can be figured out. As far as the horses go, I have always felt it is more humane to put a horse in the ground than to put it out into a cruel world. Life is very tough for unloved horses.

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

If you bring the 12 yr old home, bring her bed from your friend's house. Any old blankets she is willing to part w/ because smell is the only thing this dog has. Because she has wetting issues you will have to wash this bedding and the more items you get w/ the smell of her old home the better.
Have you gone over to their home and observed this dog? How does she interact w/ you?
I would give her a small room w/ the 9 yr old during the time you are gone. Don't separate her from her friend. Maybe have a radio on because she can feel the vibrations from it.

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

Hopefully you take her home with you because I am quite sure you wouldn't put your family member to sleep just because they were blind, deaf and incontintent

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

You can also help her learn her way around by using different scents to mark different rooms. Try to find a copy of "Living With Blind Dogs" it has lots of good tips in it. You may be surprised to see how well her buddy helps guide her.

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

My 9yo travels everywhere with me and goes to dog parks....she has been blind since 3. She just makes herself right to home when she goes visiting other dogs. Granted there are usually only 2-5 others. BUT, this is her outgoing and loves challenge.

e-me if you would like or even call if you need a sounding board

no easy answer on this one

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

thanks everyone...there is no easy answer, guess it will be a trial and error issues. I just know it is not her time. I would love to change her mind and let her stay there in her familiar but not so sure that would be the right road either at this point.

going to look for the book now!

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

I would give it a try. Most importantly - you seem to think that it is not her time. Maybe she will like the other dogs - who knows - is there any harm in trying it? Has she tried meds for the incontinence?

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

I would at least give it a try. I know a family whose old dog, 14+, was blind, but another member of the family had a 9 year old son of hers. She wrote me and said she was amazed at how the 9 yr old, led his mother around when the whole family went on vacation to their lake house. The old gal hadn't been there in years and they were concerned about bringing her. Dogs are smart and resilient, I'd give her a chance, and then, if it doesn't work at least you know you tried.
Best of luck to you and your friend, It's got to be very difficult to have to make those decisions

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

Also the incontinence issue may not be real- it could be no one paying attention to her needs. Have your vet do an ultrasound of the bladder- you may get answers there that can fix the problem. Keep the girls together inside if you can- good luck.

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

If her plans on to put the senior down aren't you worried she could have already? I would get her out of there as fast as possible then work it out in your home. Get a big bed for her to sleep on and introduce one indoor dog at a time.

Am I nutsy to have all house dogs? No kennel here and no plans for one in the future. I have the land for it but also the house for them. I just don't want my dogs outdoors all day and night. Shoot me for being a softy.

Re: Just looking for suggestions for a seniro I am working out.

All is fine, she is holding off until I can set up an area to bring her and her 9 yr old daughter home.

I know my first post was part venting, I was extremely upset. She will not harm the dogs, she is just grieving...and wanting to empty the house of anything that reminds her of her husband. He was the main animal lover.

Kitty is safe and in familiar home for the time, but my friend is looking for an apartment which will give me a chance to set the kitchen up as Kitty and Ditto's main living area while I am at work.

She is working two jobs trying to keep the bills paid, so I have been feeding in the mornings for her, which is good, it will give me time to work with her on touch signals and get her familiar with me again.

but again, she is safe and comfortable in her familiar area for now. thank you for your concerns.