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Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

There were a couple of threads here a long time back about using Baytril to help get a litter, or a litter of size by using Baytril. I had my vet have a phone consults with Hutch and we gave it a go. History was a miss, then one pup, then a miss, then two pups. We tried the Baytril, and a couple of weeks ago we had 7 pups. I suppose it is debatable whether or not it was the Baytril that was responsible for a normal litter, but we are pleased with the result.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

There were a couple of threads here a long time back about using Baytril to help get a litter, or a litter of size by using Baytril. I had my vet have a phone consults with Hutch and we gave it a go. History was a miss, then one pup, then a miss, then two pups. We tried the Baytril, and a couple of weeks ago we had 7 pups. I suppose it is debatable whether or not it was the Baytril that was responsible for a normal litter, but we are pleased with the result.

At what time did you use Baytril in your girls cycle? Was it out of her system when bred or when she probably became pregnant?

I've heard Baytril is okay in the earlier weeks of pregnancy but find it a little hard to believe such a strong antibiotic is safe at that time.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

First dose given on the day of the first breeding and continued for 10 days.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

Same here. Given for 10 days, starting on day of first breeding. The dosage is 136 mg, once a day.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

Same here. Given for 10 days, starting on day of first breeding. The dosage is 136 mg, once a day.

This dosage is not correct. Dosage is based on the weight of the bitch. I believe your dosage was originally correct, but has been amended to weight based.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

I'm curious, did your vet do a guarded culture as well or did you just wing it with the Baytril??

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

Is there somewhere that has the protocal officially posted by Hutch?

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

Same here too once a dya- I don't remember the dosage, but it was from day of breeding for ten days.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

I'm curious, did your vet do a guarded culture as well or did you just wing it with the Baytril??

Tiffany, thank you for asking. Shouldn't a culture be done and shouldn't Hutch be doing the prescribing dosage? Especially when others dont agree with each other? He's the repro affiliated vet.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

Same here. Given for 10 days, starting on day of first breeding. The dosage is 136 mg, once a day.

This dosage is not correct. Dosage is based on the weight of the bitch. I believe your dosage was originally correct, but has been amended to weight based.

The example of the disagreement in Baytril dosage. Only the prescribing vet should do that and he charges $40 which is not expensive for a phone consult. Maybe he does tell the patients to have a culture done 1st? Speak to the repro or your own V E T 1st please!

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

Glad this topic is up again. I have a Golden friend who wants to try this w/ her girl who just came in but I'm wondering how many of you have run into road blocks w/ your vets on the topic? Some vets would not want to prescribe such unless he/she saw a need. I am pretty sure my friend will have some troubles.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

Glad this topic is up again. I have a Golden friend who wants to try this w/ her girl who just came in but I'm wondering how many of you have run into road blocks w/ your vets on the topic? Some vets would not want to prescribe such unless he/she saw a need. I am pretty sure my friend will have some troubles.

Have her vet call Hutch for a consult. It cost me $45 for that call but I had 7 pups instead of none or one. Does your friend's golden have a history of misses or tiny litters? If not, it is not warranted.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

I'm curious, did your vet do a guarded culture as well or did you just wing it with the Baytril??

Just want to know still , is this based on a guarded culture?

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

That's the thing, I don't know that we could say it is warranted. She had a litter of 3 w/ this bitch, but behind her is a history of big litters. However, she only took her girl's progesterone thru 3.5 ng, then went to the stud 2 days later upon his suggestion. They did a side by side that night (girl wasn't ready for natural) and another ~1.5 days later (barely ready if I remember right). The breeding schedule was dictated by family issues, not science, and she figured live semen would last long enough. I keep trying to tell her this train of thought doesn't always work. Now she's wanting to do a chilled semen breeding, so I told her she has to be more exact. She's using my vet for this , and I'm guessing she's not going to buy into it.

BTW, she did have a culture done the first time and there was an abundance of bacteria there. But, my vet has always told me that when she looks at vaginal smears, there usually is alot and then it all clears out once cornification occurs. I just wonder if this is what they saw. I've never had a problem. 90-100% cornification is still at a low progesterone (0.3 is common) for my girls but we use this as a guideline to start progesterone draws.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

I'm curious, did your vet do a guarded culture as well or did you just wing it with the Baytril??

Just want to know still , is this based on a guarded culture?

How is a culture taken when the cervix is closed? Once the cervix is open there is no time to grow a culture.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

Update-- friend is getting ready for her first AI tomorrow and her vet cultured her girl (she went back to her original vet as she didn't think mine would work w/ her on the Baytril regime). Anyhow, things are definitely growing though she didn't say what. Funny thing is, her vet refuses to use Baytril and put her on Clavamox instead. My friend said her vet would probably get mad if she suggested a consult (I'm laughing a bit at this as I know my vet WOULD gladly do the consult). Anyhow, are there success stories w/ Clavamox? IOW, why does Hutch choose Baytril???

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

There were a couple of threads here a long time back about using Baytril to help get a litter, or a litter of size by using Baytril. I had my vet have a phone consults with Hutch and we gave it a go. History was a miss, then one pup, then a miss, then two pups. We tried the Baytril, and a couple of weeks ago we had 7 pups. I suppose it is debatable whether or not it was the Baytril that was responsible for a normal litter, but we are pleased with the result.

Does anyone know what has changed Hutch's mind on this score? I attended one of his seminars awhile ago and he was adamantly against using any drugs on bitches that were being bred.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

I'm curious about the same. I went to look up his online presentation last night and wondered the same.

Re: Hutch's Baytril protocol-Update

His new advice is based on a recent study. I was personally instructed by Hutch and told to give 136 mg once a day for 10 days, starting on the day of the breeding. Each tablet was 86 mg. Most lab bitches fall in a relatively close weight range. I would bet money that the dose for a 70 pound bitch would be the same as the dose for an 85 pound bitch.