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Recent rage

In view of the recent incidence in Tucson Arizona, I feel that it is time we, as human beings, and Americans, start to have some compasion for our fellow humans and that, there are a lot crossing the line on this venue and on the highway and the business place. Kindness and hate have a very thin line. There is a lot of jealousy and hate and fear that someone is doing better than we. I see it in my rear view mirror and on the street, but especially here where nobody knows who hates who and why. Times have changed since World War II when the troops came home and said " I want my kids to have it better than I " So it began as to who has the best house, prettiest daughter, nicest dog, hottest car and this can, if it wanders too far, lead to episodes like we are seeing on our TVs now. It is time for us to be proud and glad to be Americans. Most of you all from these more recent generations never had to wait and want for a whole year just to get a pair of roller skates for Christmas. Never knew that there was only meat on the table once a week. Back then, people appreciated any and everything we/they got. Your life will be shortened from all of your hate and worry about others. What is going on in the Lab world is not good and it is not good for the welfare of the beloved Labs. It is nice to have a house dog who is your friend and companion. We all have our people we do not like for whatever reason but rage can overcome reason. Just remember that Rage can overcome Reason. ellie

Re: Recent rage

I enjoyed reading that Ellie. Thank you.

Re: Recent rage

Well said Ellie as always!

Re: Recent rage

Well said, Ellie.

Re: Recent rage

So agree with everything you said.

Re: Recent rage

And did you see on MSNBC news tonight about the man in the subway who was attacked by a small gang and there was a group of onlookers... not one tried to help or call 911 but they got their cell phones out to video!! Can understand not wanting to maybe risk one's life, but not to call 911!?!

Re: Recent rage

Ellie, I hear and share your distress about the hostility that seems to have grown stronger over the past few years. Personal responsibility for building and maintaining community seems to be falling by the wayside in favor of personal gain and individual success. As you have said, jealousy and envy of the success of others is growing by leaps and bounds.

Recently I have been aching in my soul about how we in the Lab community have attacked without remorse or empathy other breeders. I didn't even know the breeder or dog involved in the last fiasco, but I was awake at night feeling sick at heart about how they were treated. Yet I must admit that I did nothing to stop it. I was afraid to try because it appears that the rule of the day is every man for himself. Thank you for your post and your courage. Kate

Re: Recent rage

Very well said, Ellie ....

Re: Recent rage

Ellie, you make some wonderful points and we all need to "step up" and speak for those who cannot.

Remember this however, a bystander was the one who tackled and helped catch the shooter. He took enormous risk to save others. That is what heroism is.

Not unlike Todd Beamer when he stepped up.

The crackpot who shot into a crowded store was unstable and demented. Unfortunately, living with freedoms gives too much access to nutballs.

We all do need to step up and protect those who cannot. It is the right thing to do.