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Ring Test

For those who asked (or saw the you tube video) it is pretty simple to do. I take a peice of dental floss and use one of my rings. I hold it over my bitches belly starting down by her lower belly and move it up every 1 1/2 inches let it rest and see what it says going up toward her ribs , then do the other side. (like a V pattern)

The results will look like this


Generally if there are "pairs" at the bottom end I cross them off and count them as one , so in this case it would be G,B ,B,G,B on the left and G,G,G on the right. For me if the ring swings in a circle it means it's a girl and side to side is a boy.

I find it is pretty accurate for me,I check them at the end of the first week and then again about half way through. I did have a scenario years ago where a bitch that I kept breeding to the same stud dog kept resorbing and I could tell by the ring test, the energy was slow to pick up to make the ring move and each time it was confirmed on U/S that the puppy was being resorbed. It was quite sad.

The only time I ever crossed off too many duplicates was when I had my first frozen litter, it came up with a count of 12 puppies so figuring that there was no way we could have that many I crossed a whole bunch off, and ended up having 12, my original ring count.

Re: Ring Test

Okay could you please post the link to the you tube video? I am dying to do this!

Re: Ring Test

They do a similar ring test to see if a girl or woman is pregnant, swinging it. I recall girls in school doing it in the restroom after having unprotected sex at 14 years of age 2 weeks before. Okay, call me prudish. I'm not a fan of anyone being promiscuous.

I think we can know something from newborn or young puppies absolutely. I dont think we can from the ring test and I've never done it. It's just my opinion though.

I do find if I breed at only lower prog. no.'s there are more girls and more boys with higher prog no.'s. I would rather cover my bitch totally breeding low and hi no.'s and usually get 5 and 4 or 4 and 4, a pretty even split of boys & girls. Healthy puppies is the goal 1st, all it takes is 1 great boy or girl to be show potential. That's about all ya get in a single litter anyway, if we're lucky. The rest of mine go to pet homes usually.

Re: Ring Test

The You tube was linked on the other topic about picking out puppies from birth.

I've done the ring test for other breeders, my friend Nancy was a bit freaked out when my prediction for hers was 100% accurate.
It's more of something I do for fun, it can't hurt and the results are astounding for me how accurate they are, it doesn't predict coat color, now that would be a real bonus!!!

Re: Ring Test

Could you just post it again? I didn't find it in the other topic under your name.

Re: Ring Test

Tiffany, I don't doubt anything you have to say. You are a scientific and medical genius with no sarcasm in my keystrokes.

Sorry poster, I don't have the link. Never saw it on you tube and it wasn't posted on this list that I viewed.

Re: Ring Test

Here is the link from the other thread on the utube video of the ring test. The OP of the link said it runs about 5 minutes,

Re: Ring Test

Coming from a scientific backround myself it's understandable that even I would have doubts.But when I've been as close as 100% accurate so many times I have to say even I can't get a vet to tell me that with an U/S.I've done this on women since I was in my early 20's, even did it for my God cousin and I won't do it for them unless they are absolutley sure they want to know the sex of their baby before it's born.

My prediction for my last litter was 5 boys and 4 girls, we had 5 boys and 3 girls,and after waiting so long from when I did it that first week it was fun to see how close it came. All it is is just picking up on the energy that is there. I call it "Divining for puppies"!! It's harmless and my girls get an extra tummy rub.Now when I put the stethoscope on their bellies and hear the heart beats that's the most exciting moment, to hear them full of promising life from their 20,000 leagues under the the sea so to say!

I do know that some are better than others at doing it and I've taught other well known breeders how to do it( won't mention any names) that now do it as well and are just as awestruck by how close it is to the outcome. Especially given the fact that we don't know what it will be till the whelping it's still a surprise all the same.

Re: Ring Test

Okay...just for fun...I did the ring test on my girl who is due early next week. She is quite large so not sure if this is the best time to do it. Anyway...I have to say...I was a little freaked out by it! LOL

I redid the test 4 times....and every time was the same results and according to the "ring" girl is expecting 4 boys and 3 girls!!

Re: Ring Test

Let us know what she has!

Re: Ring Test

Almost...5 males 3 females!!

Re: Ring Test

Does the material the ring is made of make a difference for the electric magnetic waves to work properly?

Re: Ring Test

I have no idea...I used my wedding ring.

Re: Ring Test

Nope! I've used string, yarn,gauze strings pulled from 4x4's, I prefer dental floss, I've been using the same peice for years and have a special ring that I like but don't wear. I've used other peoples rings, once even a watch.

That is close though!!

Re: Ring Test

That's pretty cool! I would love to see a video with a girl in whelp to see exactly how ya do it!

Re: Ring Test

To see a video of this done on a dog if anyone can film it.

I'd like to do this with my next breeding but want to be sure I do it right.

Re: Ring Test

To see a video of this done on a dog if anyone can film it.

I'd like to do this with my next breeding but want to be sure I do it right.

How about it Tiffany?